A tenth paid floating holiday is available to employees provided they complete at least 2 hours of community service at a Nxtbook sponsored event. The event must be pre-approved and the service must be completed before the holiday can be taken. Employees who choose not to complete the 2 hours of service will not be eligible for the holiday. The holiday may be taken on the employee’s birthday, or anytime until the employee’s next birthday. This holiday should be requested electronically through Attendance on Demand – Employee Self Service at least two weeks in advance. No cash payments will be made in lieu of taking the earned holiday.
An additional eleventh paid floating holiday is available to employees each calendar year. This “Family Fun Day” holiday is intended to give employees the flexibility to schedule an activity with their family during a normal workday. Employees will be entitled to a full day off and $250.00 in spending money. This holiday must be requested electronically through Attendance on Demand – Employee Self Service at least three weeks in advance. The $250.00 allowance will be paid through payroll on the paycheck prior to your scheduled day off. Employees will be expected to give a brief summary of what they did on their Family Fun Day at the next scheduled company meeting.