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Removal of complex spectral interferences on noble metal isotopes

Naoki Sugiyama
Agilent Technologies, Japan


Platinum Group Elements, gold, silver, ore exploration, geochemical, environmental, catalytic converter, ammonia


The precise determination of the noble metals, comprising the Platinum Group Elements (PGEs: Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir and Pt), Au and Ag, is of great interest in areas such as ore exploration and geochemical studies, and these metals are increasingly used for industrial applications including advanced materials and alloys, medical devices, and catalysts for pharmaceutical manufacturing. Environmental monitoring is also required as some of these elements are used in automobile catalytic converters. ICP-MS is widely used for these applications due to its high sensitivity and multi-element capability. However, the analysis is challenging because the metal concentrations are often low and they are subject to severe spectral overlaps. 


Table 1 summarizes the interferences and abundance (%) of each isotope of the elements (the isotopes highlighted in yellow represent the recommended isotope for determination by ICP-MS). Several methods have been developed to resolve the interferences, such as mathematical correction, matrix removal and high-resolution magnetic sector (HR-)ICP-MS. However the mass resolution required to separate some of the interferences is beyond the capability of current commercial HR‑ICP‑MS. For example separation of 103Rh+ from 87Sr16O+, 105Pd+ from 89Y16O+, and 109Ag+ from 93Nb16O+ requires mass resolution (M/ΔM) of 102900, 27600 and 31500, respectively; commercial HR-ICP-MS instruments are limited to a maximum resolution of 10,000. To remove the multiple, complex interferences on noble elements, the Agilent 8800 ICP-QQQ was used in MS/MS mode, using ammonia as the reaction gas.


Instrumentation: Agilent 8800 #100.

Plasma conditions: Preset plasma/Low matrix.

Ion lens tune: Soft extraction tune: Extract 1 = -3 V, Extract 2 = -200 V.

CRC conditions: NH3 (10% NH3 in He) was used as CRC gas in MS/MS mode. 


Following a preliminary optimization study, three different NH3 gas flow rates (low (L), medium (M) and high (H)) were used. Cell conditions are given in Table 2. No gas mode was also applied for comparison purposes.



The BECs of the noble metals were determined in a series of synthetic-matrix samples, using an external calibration method. Indium (In) internal standard (ISTD) was mixed online with the sample via the standard ISTD mixing T-connector. An integration time of 1 s per isotope was used with 3 replicates (7 replicates for blank).

Samples and sample preparation

Standards and matrix samples were prepared from single element stock solutions purchased from Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. (Saitama, Japan) and a REE mixture standard, XSTC-1 purchased from Spex certiPrep. All solutions were diluted into a final acid mix of 1% HNO3 and
3% HCl.


Matrix interference study

Tables 3 and 4 summarize the results of the spectral interference study obtained by analyzing individual synthetic matrix blank solutions. Table 3 shows the observed interferences, expressed as BEC (ppb), in each matrix blank measured using no gas mode. As expected from Table 1, the synthetic matrices caused significantly elevated BECs (>> 1 ppb) on all the primary and secondary isotopes of all the analytes except for Ru; Rh suffered a relatively minor increase in BEC of ~0.5 ppb in the 10 ppm Pb/1 ppm Hg matrix. 

Table 4 shows the results obtained using NH3 reaction mode. The optimum gas flow rate for NH3 for each element was investigated and three gas flow rates
(Low: 2.0, Medium: 3.0, and
High: 5.0 mL/min) were used. The best isotope and method is highlighted in bold in the Table. It can clearly be seen that NH3 reaction mode effectively removes the interferences on all the analytes, giving BECs of << 0.1 ppb for the preferred isotope/cell mode in all the matrices. The mechanism for the removal of each interference using the MS/MS capability of the 8800 ICP-QQQ is as follows: 


Analysis of complex synthetic matrix sample using optimized NH3 reaction mode

A complex synthetic matrix sample containing 10 ppm each of Cu, Zn, Sr, Rb, Ni, Mo, Pb, Zr, Nb, REEs, Ta, Hf, W and
1 ppm Hg was prepared, and this matrix was spiked with 1 ppb each of Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Os, Ir, Pt and Au as analytes. The concentration of the noble metals was determined in two modes: No gas mode and NH3 reaction cell mode, and the spike recovery results are displayed in Figure 1 for each mode. The results demonstrate that MS/MS mode with NH3 reaction cell gas successfully removes multiple interferences on all the noble metals, providing accurate results for these analytes even in a complex and challenging matrix.