Tushar Sharma, Jonas Urbonas, and Paolo de Falco
The IEEE Young Professionals (YPs) program has been a part of every recent the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society International Microwave Symposium (IMS) and has successfully hosted a rich program targeted at RF and microwave engineers in the early stages of their careers. The 2022 YPs activities inÂÂcluded a rich program of talks, panel sessions, games, and a reception. Figure 1 shows some of the key memorable moments from the IMS2022 YPs events.
IMS2023 will build on the success of IMS2022, proposing a new theme of “entrepreneurship.†There will be an agenda of talks and panel sessions covering various aspects of starting, scaling, and running a business in the RF/microwave field. A panel session will be held with Women in Microwaves on Thursday, 15 June 2023 at the Young Professionals Pavilion. At the panel session, female tech leaders and entrepreneurs from large companies and start-ups will discuss what YPs need to champion in the industry. The panelists will give examples of various career paths and answer your questions.
On Tuesday, the YPs will host a reception at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront hotel. The reception is a place to celebrate YPs, the future of the microwave community, network, and interact with like-minded people. Anyone who would like to attend is required to register on the IMS2023 website at https://ims-ieee.org/ims2023.
Figure 1. Photo from the YPs IMS2022. (a) YPs Cochair Sara Barros at the YPs panel. (b) YPs lounge. (c) YPs networking reception. (d) YPs RF Interference Fox Hunt.
New this year is the Early Career Paper Competition (ECPC). The purpose of the ECPC is to recognize outstanding technical contributions from early-career professionals. Paper submissions with multiple authors are permitted, but the first author must be an individual who is not a full-time student or a faculty member and has fewer than 10 years of Âprofessional experience. The eligible paper can come from any sector: industry, governmental agency, organizations/labs, and postdoctoral research and will be judged on the quality, significance, impact, and novelty of the presented work. These papers will be reviewed in the same manner as all other contributed papers, and the prize will be awarded based on both content and presentation. For more information on this and other paper competitions held at IMS2023, please refer to the IMS2023 paper competition article and https://ims-ieee.org/technical​competitions.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2023.3243354