Rashaunda Henderson
Figure 1. Participants of the MTT-S Ph.D. Student Sponsorship Initiative at IMS2022.
The MTT-S Ph.D. Student Sponsorship Initiative Program (see Figure 1) supports students atÂÂtending the 2023 IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) International Microwave Symposium (IMS2023) and 2023 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC 2023). The program provides registration for both conferences and housing for first-time attendees. They must be in their first or second year of their Ph.D. program and members of the MTT-S to be eligible. This program is funded in part by the MTT-S AdCom and the IMS2023 Steering Committee. The students participate in two meetings, one at the beginning of the conference week (Monday) as a kick-off event, and the other on Friday to wrap up their time at IMS/RFIC. Upon selection to the program, students agree to volunteer for one 8-h time slot and assist with the operations at the conference. This is a great opportunity to meet conference organizers and learn about ways to stay involved with the MTT-S. The Friday wrap-up meeting allows for student teams to share with their peers what they learned at the conference. For additional information and application details, visit https://ims-ieee.org/phd-initiative.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2023.3242947