Michelle Thompson
The IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society 2023 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) is hosting a ham radio social event, the Ham Radio Social, in San Diego, CA, USA, on 13 June, from 6 to 8 p.m., on the Promenade Plaza of the Hilton Bayfront Hotel (the host hotel for IMS2023). All radio amateurs and other interested IMS participants are cordially invited to the event. There will be a complimentary buffet with an array of hot and cold appetizers as well as drinks. The proÂmenade is a lovely outdoor venue steps outside the hotel, and it is where you will meet some of the most interesting and dynamic people at IMS.
There will be friendly and accessible technical and operational demonstrations ranging from satellite operations, open source digital microwave systems, and contest rigs to ambitious distance record attempts and more. If you have a Bluetooth-capable phone or device, be sure to bring it. There will be some puzzles hidden at 2.4 GHz. Prizes will be awarded to the top scores. This contest can be done either as an individual or as a team.
Amateur radio is an incredibly diverse hobby. It offers a wide range of opportunities on the microwave bands. Learn about how amateur radio is successfully used in education, what is happening with respect to spectrum allocation, and what experimenters are up to these days, from the American Radio Relay League. Want to upgrade or renew your license or learn how to obtain a license and become a ham? Find out how online testing has revolutionized license exams, from Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group Volunteer Examiner Coordinators. Have your questions on amateur radio answered at this interactive event!
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2023.3242899