Spyridon “Spyros†Pavlidis
Figure 1. Student volunteers at IMS2022.
We welcome student volunteers to receive backstage passes at the 2023 IEEE MiÂÂcrowave Theory and Technology Society International Microwave Symposium (IMS2023) in San Diego, California! Our friendly staff of student volunteers is essential as more than half of the workforce at the IMS consists of student volunteers. Serving as a volunteer is a great way to network with students, industry professionals, and IEEE leaders (see Figure 1). No previous experience at the IMS is necessary as both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome.
Registration is easy. Simply complete a brief application form on our website at https://ims-ieee.org/. We ask all volunteers to work a minimum of two full days. Register early as space is limited. Volunteers receive complimentary conference registration as well as food and beverages on the days that they work. Table 1 includes the additional benefits offered to student volunteers. We have multiple committees volunteering their time to making sure that everyone at the IMS, especially students, has a great IMS experience in San Diego.
In this issue of IEEE Microwave Magazine, you can read about all the fun events that have been planned for IMS2023, including the Young Professionals Panel and Networking Social, the industry-hosted Reception and Awards Banquet, and the Women in Microwaves networking reception. Additionally, all IMS attendees will get a chance to explore the great city of San Diego, with its great beaches, parks, and restaurants; and don’t forget that ever-reliable sunshine!
We are committed to creating an inclusive environment to assemble an international and diverse team of volunteers. Both first-time and returning participants are welcome. At the Student Volunteer Lounge, you will have the opportunity to network with peers who are excited about microwaves. Beyond networking, your volunteering efforts will look great on a resume. Only as a volunteer can you get a behind-the-scenes experience. Don’t miss out on what this conference has planned for you; help make it successful for you and everyone else in attendance. See you there!
And remember that IMS2024 will have similar needs next year.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2023.3242920