Pere L. Gilabert and Ethan Wang
At the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) 2023 International Microwave Symposium (IMS), in San Diego, CA, USA, there will be three days of workshops, on Sunday, Monday, and Friday, to accommodate all properly selected high-quality workshops. In San Diego, Fridays are the new Mondays, so we strongly believe that the Friday workshops will also be very well attended.
Sunday is dedicated mostly to RF Integrated Circuits (ICs) Symposium workshops and joint IMS/RFIC ones, with the breakdown given in Table 1. There will be 10 full-day workshops and six half-day workshops. On Monday, there will be a total of 12 workshops, with four joint workshops with the Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG). Eight of the workshops on Monday will be full day, while four will be half day. Finally, on Friday, there will be two full-day workshops and three half-day workshops. Workshop details can be found in Table 2 (check for updated info at
Figure 1. Workshop sessions at IMS2022. a) RFIC2022 workshop presentation, b) IMS2022 workshop panel session, and c) IMS2022 workshop presentation.
This year, we returned to an old tradition that consisted of involving MTT-S technical committees (TCs) in the review of the workshop proposals. The idea was to avoid uncomfortable last-minute petitions for endorsement from workshop organizers to TCs. Therefore, when submitting their proposal, workshop orÂÂganizers were asked to select at least one TC with affinity with the topics addressed in the workshop proposal. MTT-S
TCs did a great job reviewing all workshop proposals, and their feedback was very useful to workshop organizers to refine their proposals and make them more appealing to the audience. As a results, 33 high-quality workshops have been selected out of the 49 original workshop proposals.
The topics of the workshops range from traditional microwave topics, such as the design and linearization of power amplifiers (PAs), to new areas for the MTT-S, such as microwave solutions for quantum computing. Other nonoverlapping topics include 6G, phased arrays, millimeter-wave (mm-wave) and sub-terahertz (THz) technologies, acoustic filters, RF sensing applications for biomedical applications and more. We are excited by the quality of the proposed workshops and hope you will find the time to attend a few of them, benefit from the excellent speakers, and challenge them with some excellent questions.
Nos vemos en San Diego en Junio!
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2023.3242803