Edward C. Niehenke 
As your Ombuds Officer, I received 16 inquiries (five non-U.S.) from IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) members from 1 November to 31 December 2022. All inquiries were typically acted upon within one week, and replies were sent to all MTT-S members.
A member was approached by AT&T to place a 5G cell tower on the member’s six-floor concrete building and was interested in documentation on the health and safety of such an installation. I provided the member with many additional publications concerning this situation. I also contacted Technical Committee 23, Wireless Communications, which had information as follows. Dr. Abas Omar, who is the chair of the recently launched working group Health and Safety Aspects of Millimeter-Wave Radiation in 5G and Beyond, provided the member with some material related to the health aspects of 5G. The member also had specific questions, which were answered.
A member requested the location of the article Tatsuo Itoh [In Memoriam], by Peter H Siegel, Ed Niehenke, and Jerry Hauser. I informed the member that it is found in IEEE Microwave Magazine, volume 22, issue 6, June 2021. One agency wants to subscribe to IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques and Microwave and Wireless Component Letters and requested an invoice, which was sent.
I have had many requests concerning www.mtt.org. One agency wants to advertise, sponsor, or even post opportunities on our website. I informed the agency that we do not allow any of the items listed. Another agency wants to display ads on our website. I informed the agency that we do not allow this. Another agency wants to post guest articles. I informed the agency that we do not allow this.
One member has two published MTT-S papers and wants to integrate them into the member’s Ph.D. thesis and asked if it is OK since IEEE owns the copyright. I contacted our publication committee chair, Dr. George Ponchak, and he replied that the member can use them as part of that member’s thesis.
One of our members did not receive six issues of IEEE Microwave Magazine. Another member was missing one issue. A request was made to issue all the missing issues.
One of our very active MTT-S Chapters inquired about financial assistance. I reported to the Chapter that details are found in the Chapter Officers Handbook (https://mtt.org/chapter-officers-handbook/). Needy chapters are entitled to US$1,000 annually if affiliated only with MTT-S. Chapters affiliated with two Societies can receive US$500 annually. The MTT-S AdCom has established a fund to aid needy chapters in putting on workshops and symposia. The fund provides US$500 seed money per Chapter to aid in putting on a yearly workshop or symposia. Criteria for funding for US$500 as well as higher levels are found in the Chapters Officer Handbook.
I received an inquiry on whether a joint application (two) for the UnderÂgraduate Pre-Graduate Scholarship is allowed. I contacted the chair, Dr. Zlatica Marinkovic, who explained that joint proposals of two or more students are not allowed. Each applicant applies for himself/herself only. If the two of you want to apply, then you should submit two different applications. However, if multiple applications are submitted from one institution and one supervisor, according to the rules, only one applicant from the same institution can receive the award.
A request was made to include two MicroApp late submissions, which were sent to the MicroÂÂApps Exhibits.
Additional IEEE contact information is as follows: toll-free in the United States and Canada at +1 800 678 4333 or worldwide at +1 732 981 0060; fax: at +1 732 562 5445, attention member services; e-mail contactcenter@ieee.org. To add a new service electronically, please visit IEEE at www.ieee.org and click on “Renew.†To purchase an IEEE product by e-mail, contact customercenter@ieee.org or call the numbers listed previously.
Please feel free to contact me by letter, telephone, or e-mail concerning any complaint you may have or any assistance you may need in obtaining membership services from IEEE and the MTT-S (mtt.org). My contact information can be found on the first page of this column.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2023.3242498