José E. Rayas-Sánchez, J. Apolinar Reynoso-Hernández
We present, in this article, an up-to-date general and brief scan of the main research activities in RF and microwaves in Latin America. First, we geographically identify the main research and development clusters in RF and microwaves in this large region of the world. We next describe the most recent and representative research work developed in the most active Latin American countries in this technical field, namely, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Puerto Rico. To develop this updated survey of RF and microwaves in Latin America, we started by considering previous similar reviews available in the literature [1], [2], including some focused on specific Latin American countries [3], [4]. In our review, we essentially focus on the past five or six years of scientific research production. Given the synergistic relationship between the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) and the level of activities and maturity in RF and microwaves, we finalize our article by summarizing the status as well as the main challenges and opportunities for the MTT-S in Latin America.
Latin America encompasses all the countries of the American continent in which the Romance languages are predominantly spoken (mainly Spanish, Portuguese, and French). It includes 26 countries (20 sovereign states), with more than 656 million inhabitants distributed in a very large geographical zone with an area of almost 20 × 106 km2. Fewer than half of those 26 Latin American countries concentrate on the most advanced engineering and industrial development. More specifically, the main clusters of activities on RF and microwave engineering are geographically distributed as illustrated in Figure 1, where it is seen that only nine countries in the region have significant activities in these technical fields. In the following sections, we briefly mention the main RF and microwave research lines currently developed in those countries.
Figure 1. The geographical distribution of the main clusters of RF and microwaves activities in Latin America. Most of the relevant work in the field is realized in nine countries (out of 26). Updated from [1].
Research activities on RF and microwaves in Argentina are mainly focused on satellite-based navigation systems [5], [6], multiport modulators [7], sensors [8], radiometers [9], [10], metrology, and calibrations [11]. These research activities are mainly conducted by the following organizations: the National University of La Plata [5], [6], [7], the National Technological University [8], [11], the National University of Cordova [10], and the National Commission of Space Activities [9].
Brazil is the Latin American country with more research groups in RF and microwaves. Brazil also has the largest number of MTT-S Chapters and members. Since 1985, Brazil has organized the biannual Brazilian Microwave and Optoelectronics Society (SBMO)/MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, sponsored by the SBMO and the MTT-S.
Excluding the areas of optics and optoelectronics, where Brazil has a strong research tradition, the research scope on RF and microwaves covered by Brazilian institutions is very broad. It includes antennas [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [23], specific absorption rate studies [17], [18], frequency-selective surfaces (FSSs) [19], [20], [21], defected ground structures [22], metamaterials [23], [24], wireless power transfer [16], [25], [26], power transmission line monitoring [27], [28], low-cost radars for human movement detection [29], [30], CAD techniques [29], [30], [31], [32], low-cost RFID technologies [33], [34], negative group delay circuits [35], [36], [37], [38], electromagnetic field analysis, and waveguide component design [39], [40], [41], [42], [43].
The main most active Brazilian institutions developing research on RF and microwaves are listed in alphabetical order in the following, citing some of their most recent and representative research contributions (see the preceding paragraph to identify the corresponding technical areas):
Giving a more detailed description of the research work developed at each of the preceding 17 Brazilian institutions falls beyond the scope and space limits of the present article. For the sake of brevity, we illustrate, in Figure 2, an example of the laboratory research resources available at PUC-Rio. Figure 3 shows a microwave research laboratory facility at the UFCG.
Figure 2. Some of the research laboratory facilities at PUC-Rio: (a) a planar antenna in an anechoic chamber and (b) graduate students in front of the anechoic chamber. (Source: Prof. Guilherme Simon da Rosa; used with permission.)
Figure 3. The setup for the measurement of a magneto–dielectric antenna in an anechoic chamber at the UFCG. (Source: Prof. Glauco Fontgalland; used with permission.)
Chile has a well-established tradition in scientific activities related to astronomy. The most outstanding research on RF and microwaves in Chile is mainly focused on microwave integrated circuits for radio astronomy [44], [45], remote sensing [46], radio imaging [47], nanosatellite systems [48], and antennas [49], [50], [51], [52].
The main Chilean institutions doing research on the preceding topics include the University of Chile [44], [45], [48], [50], the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile [47], the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso [44], [51], [52], the University of Concepción los Ãngeles [46], and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory [44], [49].
Colombia was the host country of the most recent edition of the MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference (LAMC), celebrated in a virtual format from the city of Cali, in May 2021. Most of the research work on RF and microwaves in this country is concentrated in four Colombian institutions, as briefly described in the following.
The Research Group GINTEL at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, at Sogamoso, engages in research mainly on wideband RF and microwave power amplifiers and digital predistortion systems [53], [54], [55], [56].
The National University of Colombia, in Bogota, mainly researches tunable FSSs, metamaterials, and antennas [57], [58], [59].
Icesi University, in Cali, and Francisco de Paula Santander University, in Santander, mainly focus on wireless sensor networks and rural wireless broadband propagation models [60], [61] (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. The transmitter used to validate propagation models of TV white space technology for wireless broadband in the Colombian rain forest [60]. (Source: Prof. Andrés Navarro-Cadavid; used with permission.)
Costa Rica is an emerging country in the arena of RF and microwave engineering. Its research in this field mainly concentrates on antenna design [62], [63], microwave CAD techniques [64], [65], signal integrity and high-speed interconnects [65], [66], microwave plasma heating [67], solar radio bursts [68], and microwave virtual education [69]. The principal institutions engaging in research in these fields are the Technological Institute of Costa Rica [63], [64], [65], [66], [67], the University of Costa Rica [62], [68], and the Distance State University of Costa Rica [69].
The University of the Armed Forces, in Sangolqui, and the San Francisco University of Quito, in Quito, are the two main institutions working on research in RF and microwaves in Ecuador. They mainly focus on passive waveguide components design [70], with an emphasis on substrate integrated waveguide technologies [71].
Mexico was the host country of the first edition of the LAMC, held in Puerto Vallarta, in December 2016 [72]. The main research groups on RF and microwaves in Mexico are located in four institutions: the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada (CICESE), in Baja California; the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute at Guadalajara (CINVESTAV-Guadalajara); the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics (INAOE), in Puebla; and ITESO, The Jesuit University of Guadalajara.
The CICESE is the Mexican institution with the longest tradition in RF and microwaves. It carries out research along two main lines: power amplifier characterization and microwave metrology [73], [74], [75], [76] and planar sensors for materials monitoring and characterization [77], [78], [79], [80]. Figure 5 presents some of the measurement equipment available at the Laboratory of RF and Microwave in the Applied Physics Division at the CICESE. Figure 6 depicts an experimental setting for materials characterization.
Figure 5. The CICESE Laboratory of RF and Microwave time-domain low-frequency active harmonic load pull system for characterizing (a) packaged power transistors and (b) on-wafer transistors. (Source: Prof. Apolinar Reynoso-Hernández; used with permission.)
Figure 6. Experimental measurements using a resonant sensor of solvent liquids and air (1-air, 2-ethanol, 3-methanol, 4-isobutanol, 5-isopropyl alcohol, and 6-acetonitrile). SUT: sample under test. (Source: Prof. Humberto Lobato, CICESE; used with permission.)
CINVESTAV-Guadalajara focuses its research on microwave transistor modeling (linear and nonlinear) as applied to the design of power amplifiers [81], [82], including the development of behavioral models for power amplifiers [83]. It also carries out research on filters and diplexers [84] as well as on the design of RF active circuits using X-parameters [85], [86]. Figure 7 displays some of the equipment available at CINVESTAV-Guadalajara to characterize microwave transistors.
Figure 7. Test benches to characterize RF and microwave field-effect transistors at CINVESTAV-Guadalajara: (a) pulsed I/V, (b) one- and two-tone tests, and (c) load pull. (Source: Prof. Raúl Loo-Yau; used with permission.)
The INAOE is another Mexican public research center, and it has had prominent activities in RF and microwaves for more than 30 years. Its research mainly focuses on the measurement, modeling, and characterization of semiconductor devices as well as passive components for integrated circuits [87], [88], [89], printed circuit boards [90], [91], [92] [93], antennas [94], and microstrip filters [95]. The INAOE’s laboratory [96] is equipped with two advanced vector network analyzers (VNAs) (see Figure 8), one capable of two-port measurements up to 67 GHz and the other able to perform four-port measurements in the 10-MHz–70-GHz range as well as two-port measurements up to 110 GHz.
Figure 8. Advanced VNAs available at the INAOE, one capable of two-port measurements up to 67 GHz and the other able to perform four-port measurements in the 10-MHz–70-GHz range as well as two-port measurements up to 110 GHz. (Source: Prof. Roberto S. Murphy; used with permission.)
ITESO, The Jesuit University of Guadalajara, focuses its research on CAD techniques for RF and microwave modeling, design, and optimization of circuits and systems, most of it in close collaboration with local industry [97], [98]. More specifically, ITESO develops research on design optimization methods [99], [100], [101], surrogate-based approaches [102], [103], neuronal analog fault identification [104], and space mapping techniques [105], [106], [107], [108], with an emphasis on applications to signal integrity and high-speed interconnects [109], [110], postsilicon validation of high-speed computer platforms, [111], [112], [113], power delivery networks, and power integrity [114], [115].
The most active researchers on RF and microwaves in this country are at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru [116], [117], in Lima; San Pablo Catholic University [118], [119], [120], in Arequipa; and the National University of Saint Agustin [121], [122], also in Arequipa. Their research mainly focuses on microwave transistor modeling [121], power amplifiers [122], radar imagining, and sensing [116], [117] as well as in antennas [118], microwave sensors for materials characterization [119], [120] and cancer detection [123]. The second edition of the LAMC took place in Peru, at the Catholic University San Pablo, in December 2018 [124]; Figure 9 illustrates some of the microwave laboratory resources at this university.
Figure 9. Some of the laboratory facilities available at San Pablo Catholic University: (a) an anechoic chamber and (b) a characterization system for dielectric samples. (Source: Prof. Patricia Castillo-AranÃbar; used with permission.)
The University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez is the Puerto Rican institution with the most prominent research activities on RF and microwaves. It does research mainly on antennas and radar systems as well as on small radiometers for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote sensing (see Figure 10), with applications to weather forecasting, agriculture, and water resource management, among others [125], [126], [127].
Figure 10. Microwave remote sensing in Puerto Rico: (a) a UAV carrying a microwave radiometer while flying over Magueyes Island and (b) the brightness temperature measured with a radiometer during a field campaign at Magueyes Island [125]; the circle size represents the antenna footprint. (Source: Prof. Raúl RodrÃguez-SolÃs; used with permission.)
The current MTT-S Chapters located in Region 9 are shown in Figure 11. There is a total of 14 MTT-S Chapters in Latin America, located in four countries: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Peru. Of those MTT-S Chapters, five are Student Branch Chapters, and three are Joint Chapters with other technical societies (see Figure 11). Their geographical distribution is indicated in Figure 12.
Figure 11. The current MTT-S Chapters in Region 9, located in four Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Peru. C: IEEE Computer Society; COM: IEEE Communications Society; PE: IEEE Power & Energy Society; SP: IEEE Signal Processing Society; ED: IEEE Electron Devices Society; EMB: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; AP: IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society; UFCG: Universidade Federal do Campina Grande; IFBA: Instituto Federal da Bahia Campus Vitoria da Conquista; UFERSA: Universidade Federal Rural do Semi Arido; UNSA: Universidad Nacional de San AgustÃn; BUAP: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
Figure 12. The geographical distribution of MTT-S Chapters in Region 9. Most of the Chapters are located in Brazil and Mexico. (Source:
MTT-S membership in Region 9 is relatively small; however, it has been consistently growing over the past three years, as confirmed in Figure 13.
Figure 13. The evolution of the MTT-S membership in Region 9 over the past three years. (Source: IEEE Organizational Unit Analytics.)
A key regional initiative that was approved by the MTT-S Administrative Committee in 2015 was the establishment of the LAMC. This is a biannual conference that normally takes place in the first or second week of December, moving around to different locations in Latin American countries. It has a general scope on RF and microwave engineering and technologies, and it is technically and financially sponsored by the MTT-S (see Figure 14). The LAMC has significantly motivated the development of local RF and microwave research activities and increased MTT-S membership in Latin America. The next LAMC is scheduled to take place in San Jose, Costa Rica, in December 2023.
Figure 14. The official logo of the flagship MTT-S Region 9 conference on RF and microwaves, the LAMC.
Among the main challenges and opportunities identified for the MTT-S in Region 9, the following can be highlighted:
An updated overall survey of the main research activities on RF and microwaves in Latin America has been presented in this article. The special sessions that have been implemented in prior MTT-S International Microwave Symposia and European Microwave Conferences, along with the previous editions of the LAMC, were instrumental for identifying our own research efforts in the region. The information provided in this article confirms notable progress in the level of research activities on RF and microwave engineering in Latin America over the past decade, both in terms of quantity and quality. We hope that the present article promotes higher visibility of the research efforts undertaken in this geographical region as well as further collaborations not only among Latin American institutions but also worldwide. We firmly believe that progressing in education, research, and industrial development on RF and microwaves in the region will promote more harmonized economic development in our Latin American countries.
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