Peter Siegel
If you were unable to attend our first “Reviewers Recruiting and Get to Know Our Publications†event in Denver, CO, USA, in 2022 (Figure 1), do not despair! We are holding the event again in San Diego, CA, USA, and this year, we have expanded it to include up to 450 people. Join us for a question-and-answer panel session staffed by the editors-in-chief (EiCs) and IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) Steering Committee members of each of our four core journals: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE Journal of Microwaves, plus, of course, this very popular IEEE Microwave Magazine. In addition, there are our six cosponsored journals: IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology; IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering; IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques; the new IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems (not shown at our 2022 event because it just came out this January); IEEE/OPTICA Journal of Lightwave Technology (jointly sponsored with the Optical Society of America); and IEEE RFIC Virtual Journal. New in 2023 is the IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems which will also be at this year’s event. All these journals are targeted at slightly different authors and readers, and all have their own publication philosophy and personality. You can click on Figure 2 and blow up the detailed poster (from our 2022 event) for any of the journals shown to get more detailed information.
In June 2023, at the International MicroÂwave Symposium (IMS) meeting in San Diego, we are again planning a two-fold gala event/reception to bring in new authors and reviewers for all our publications and as a way to interact with, and meet personally with our EiCs, editorial board members, and journal staff members. As we did last year, we plan to begin with a special panel session wherein all our journals will be briefly introduced by our EiCs or their representatives, a general discussion on publishing and reviewing with/for our MTT-S journals will be initiated and targeted at both academia and industry, and attendees will be able to ask general questions of our publications experts. This will be followed by more intimate one-on-one discussions with our EiCs and many editorial board members from our publications, who will be staffing individual booths displaying detailed posters (Figure 1) and take-home literature. You will also get a chance to mingle and interact with a select group of like-minded and interested researchers while enjoying a generous food-and-beverage reception.
Figure 1. Attendees at the individual Journals Reception poster booths at IMS2022.
Figure 2. Posters presented at the Journals Reception held at IMS2022.
This event is currently scheduled to take place on 13 June 2023, between approximately 7 and 9 p.m., at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel (room to be announced) and will be by reserved ticket only. Dates and times are still preliminary, so check for the final room location, date, and starting time through the IMS and MTT-S websites. The cost of entry is the promise to do some reviewing for one or more of our sponsored journals over the coming 12 months. You can sign up for a ticket by using the link at the end of the article. We will require some details on your areas of expertise, affiliation, and experience level to properly place you in our reviewing pools, so please respond to all the questions on the sign-up form. Once the form is submitted, you will receive an entrance ticket via the e-mail address you provide. Please print this or keep it handy on your mobile phone to show at the door when you arrive at the reception. Places are limited, and we will close off the ticketing as soon as we have reached our room/reception quota.
Don’t miss this second chance to get acquainted with our publications, meet our editors personally, and hear about our publication philosophy and future directions. Get your questions answered, and give your feedback—positive and negative—directly to those who handle your manuscripts and who are constantly asking for more and more of your precious time to do reviews! We can’t wait to see you for the first time or to meet you again in San Diego to discuss the coolest ideas under the sun!
If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact the organizers of this event, at The link to get a ticket for the IMS2023 “Journals†Reception is
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