John Wood and Gayle Collins
All IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) International Microwave Symposium (IMS)/IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium/Automatic Radio Frequency Techniques Group participants are invited to attend the industry showcase, plenary session, welcome reception, industry-hosted reception, and closing session. Check out these events in the next sections.
The industry showcase will be held immediately prior to the opening plenary session from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Sails Pavilion just outside the ballroom where the plenary will be. The industry showcase will feature the best papers at IMS from industrial authors who will present their work in poster form and potentially give a demonstration of their project. It is an opportunity for conference attendees to see the best industrial research and advanced practice, and to discuss this work with the top technical folks from industry. And there will be Ârefreshments.
The opening plenary session will be held Monday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the ballroom of the San Diego Convention Center (Room 20). In addition to opening addresses from the Âpresident of the MTT-S, Prof. Nuño Borges Carvalho and the IMS conference chairs (Gayle and John), we will have prestigious IEEE awards to present to two illustrious members of our Society:
The awards will be presented by IEEE President Prof. Saifur Rahman. Our invited presentation at the plenary is “The Role of Transmission Lines in Connecting People,†by Dr. Ed Godshalk, IEEE Fellow.
Dr. Godshalk is currently consulting and working part time at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon. Dr. Godshalk has worked in the microwave and millimeter-wave industry for many years and, among other inventions, is famous for the invention of the air coplanar microwave/mm-wave wafer probe made by Cascade, which revolutionized on-wafer measurements of RF through mm-wave devices and circuits, enabling monolithic microwave integrated circuits. These wafer probes are more rugged and easy to use than their antecedents and are arguably the world’s most imitated wafer-probe design.
Dr. Godshalk’s talk describes the development of the transmission line, from its early beginnings through intracontinental connections, the transatlantic cables, to global connectivity, illustrating a number of fundamental inventions and discoveries as well as a few unusual anecdotes along the way. A little bit of history, a little bit of technology, and a fascinating story. Join us for what will be an interesting and enlightening presentation.
The welcome reception will be held on Monday night in the Sails Pavilion from 7 to 9 p.m., right after the plenary session. The Sails Pavilion is directly across from the Plenary Ballroom on the top floor of the Convention Center. The theme of this year’s reception is “Latin American Street Party.†It will feature a range of Latin American finger foods, music, and dancing (if you are enthusiastic!), and it’s a chance to meet many of the other conference attendees.
The traditional industry reception will take place on Wednesday from 5 to 6 p.m. on the exhibition floor. There will be a themed beach party vibe to help get you into the California groove. Food, beer, and wine will be served in the aisles and from participating sponsors’ booths. Attendees can also visit the “game zone†to compete with colleagues in assorted fun activities.
The IMS closing session will be held on the last session of the day on Thursday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the ballroom of the San Diego Conference Center. At the closing session, we will present the IMS Best Paper prizes: Best Student Paper, the new-this-year Early Career Paper, and the Best Industry Paper and Advanced Practice Awards, which are targeted at our industrial authors. We will also celebrate the Student Design Competition Prize winners. Additionally this year, we will announce the winners of the MTT-Sat Competition for the design of novel cubesat space hardware that are capable of being put into space. The three finalists, from more than 20 starters, will demonstrate their designs and explain their projects in the Systems Pavilion during the exhibition.
Keep an eye out for additional speakers and events on the IMS webpage.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2023.3242818