Canadian natural gas stakeholders focus on new technologies
With an eye toward low-emission natural gas energy, the Canadian Gas Association has launched a Natural Gas Innovation Fund to support research, demonstration and deployment of innovation in the natural gas sector.
Building on a long history of natural gas utilities working in partnership to drive innovation, the fund aims to unite utilities, government, academia, incubators, accelerators and technology developers in the natural gas value chain, according to a news release from CGA. Working together, they will pursue ways to support natural gas innovation and reduce emissions, drive energy efficiency and ensure the availability of affordable energy for customers.
“CGA has made innovation a key focus for the last six years, with initiatives and investments around the use of our fuel and our infrastructure. Natural gas is an affordable, clean, safe and reliable energy choice for Canadian consumers, and investments made through this fund will build on the value proposition of that choice,” said Timothy Egan, president and CEO of the Canadian Gas Association.
Finding ways to access money collected from natural gas ratepayers from cap and trade, carbon tax or other emission-reduction mechanisms instituted by governments and direct it to the financing of gas use innovation is a top priority. In this way, ratepayers will have the levies they pay directed back to them, ensuring the continued availability of clean and affordable energy for their needs, CGA said.
More than 6.7 million customers rely on natural gas for heat and power in homes, apartments, buildings, businesses, hospitals and schools in Canada, Egan said. That number represents more than 20 million Canadians and more than 30 percent of the country’s energy needs.
The Natural Gas Innovation Fund will consider investment opportunities ranging from the latest technologies for homes and buildings, such as high-efficiency water heaters and natural gas pumps, to alternative transportation fuel. Renewable natural gas and liquefied natural gas technologies are also on the fund’s radar.
“We want to work with governments, industry, research and academic institutions, innovation centers and the emerging think tanks with an idea and solutions for a future with low-emission natural gas energy,” said John Adams, managing director of Natural Gas Innovation Funding.