But what does it all involve, we hear you ask. We decided to put one ninja to the test and see just how well he’d honed his tech skills to give customers a fully-optimised Wi-Fi temple at home.
▶ The first surprise came when we opened the door to our Virgin Media ninja, who went by the very non-ninja name of Dara (probably a codename). He gave us a quick run through of what he’d be doing on his visit, and then proceeded to don blue plastic boot covers to ensure no mud was dragged into the house. An Irish Mammy’s dream, huh?
▶ Dara ran a few tests to uncover any underlying issues, asked a few quick questions to see where we used broadband most and on what devices, and then optimised the connection in every single room. Yes, that includes the bathroom. Hey, we’re not here to judge!
â–¶ Our ninja passed on his hard-won wisdom by running through all the features on our Virgin TV box, including Catch-Up TV, Virgin Movies and Boxsets and the Virgin Media Inclusives such as TV-Anywhere and Wi-Free. Find out which inclusives you have.
â–¶ He ran a thorough health check on all connections and devices, ensuring that our broadband speed was up to scratch, and ultimately making sure that our home entertainment was as Zen as a temple of meditation and as pristine as a samurai blade.
How many years did you have to train to master the tech-jitsu arts?
I trained for five years, but I’ve come to master the art through my four years working at Virgin Media as a Red House ninja!
What’s your favourite tech-ninja tool?
That would have to be my phone. It can do a whole lot more than the signal meter! I use a special app to test signal strength and quality in every room. The customers seem to love my blue boot covers though. We’re all about keeping standards high on Red House missions!
What’s your favourite martial arts movie?
Shanghai Knights, without a doubt! (You can click the On Demand button on your remote now to rent it for €1.99!)
What’s the best thing about going on a Red House mission?
The most important aspect of our mission is to make sure ALL our customers are happy, especially the kids! And nothing beats the feeling of seeing kids smiling because they can watch, play and listen to their favourite shows, movies, games and music without any interference.