Spring in the Chicago District means a welcome return to the golf course for many CDGA members. The golf clubs and shoes have been dusted off and emerged from the darkness of the garage to the back seat or trunk of the car. Golf balls (and even new clubs) have been purchased and range sessions have been used to find some consistency following the long winter. One area many may still need a brush up on, though? The Rules of Golf.
As an Allied Golf Association of the USGA, the CDGA is committed to supporting CDGA members, member clubs and the golfing community as a whole across the Chicago District, when it comes to Rules of Golf education. The revamped CDGA.org Rules Hub houses a wide variety of Rules of Golf reference materials and the CDGA Championship department is willing and able to answer any questions.
One way to quickly review some rules situations you may encounter on the golf course is by watching two new USGA/AGA Rules Webinars. Conducted last month, these webinars featured USGA Rules Staff discussing areas of the course, playing the course as you find it and free & penalty relief. To watch either of these robust webinars or browse the CDGA’s Rules Hub, click the corresponding buttons or videos below:
Webinar No.1: Areas of the Course/Play the Course As You Find It
Webinar No. 2: Free and Penalty Relief