Any connection or bond between two people can be considered a relationship. This includes family members, friends, dating partners, co-workers, acquaintances and even, to a certain degree, strangers we come into contact with. Relationships exist on a spectrum and can range from healthy to abusive, with unhealthy existing somewhere in between.
Think of one of your closest relationships. Proceed through the prompts below, “checking-off” any boxes that you feel resemble that relationship.
Aspects of Healthy Relationships
Healthy relationships build you up rather than break you down.
◻ All partners feel respected
◻ Mutual trust and honesty
◻ Communication
◻ Equality between partners
◻ Boundaries are respected: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Sexual
◻ Self-esteem is developed and supported
◻ You and your partner(s) dreams and goals are supported
Aspects of Unhealthy Relationships
◻ Communications breakdown
◻ Dishonesty, lack of trust
◻ Pressure to comply
◻ Feelings of insecurity about the relationship
◻ Partners spend little time with other friends or family
◻ A lack of support for a partner’s interests and accomplishments
Characteristics of Abusive Relationships
◻ Humiliation and degredation
◻ Sexual and physical abuse
◻ Threats
◻ Control/Intimidation
◻ Possessiveness
◻ Excessive Jealousy
◻ Co-dependence
◻ Isolation
◻ Substance Abuse
◻ One partner tries to exert power and control over the other
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