Every body is a good body. Try these easy steps to start loving your body exactly as it is now!
Be conscious of continuous fat talk! Avoid phrases like “I look fat today” and “I would be so much happier if I lose 10 pounds.” If you don’t love your body now, chances are you won’t love it in 10 pounds time either. Nothing positive comes from fat talk. Instead, try phrases like “I am strong” and “I am beautiful just the way I am!”
Focus your fitness goals on ability, not weight loss. Get excited when you hit your personal deadlift record, not when you hit a “goal weight”. Ditch the goal weight. Even better, stop weighing yourself altogether.
Find some mindful self-compassion exercises that you can do daily. Learn to take a step back and think, “would I treat a loved one like I treat myself?” If the answer is no, think about how you could be kinder to yourself.
Evaluate the people in your life. Are they adding to the negative thoughts and comments about yourself? If so, cut them out. There is no need for anyone to tell you if you should gain or lose weight. Surround yourself with people who love you for you!
If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to other people, take a step back and love your body for what it is. Everyone has a different body with different abilities. Love your body for all that it does for you!
Stop putting your life on hold until you lose weight. Make a list of whatever you’re waiting until you’re smaller to do; the friends you’ll make, the clothes you’ll buy or the hobbies you’ll do. Whatever is on that list, don’t wait, do it now!