One of my favorite game animals to hunt are wild hogs. In my opinion, it is probably one of the most exciting animals to hunt. I have hunted them in almost every possible way. I have done a spot and stalk with my bow, which is pretty challenging because you get into ninja mode and walk stealthily through the brush. Hogs can be pretty skittish so it is tough to get a bow shot on them. I have hunted them with dogs and a knife which is the extreme adrenaline rush. Chasing after the dogs as they attempt to bey the hog so you can safely move in for the kill. Shooting hogs from a helicopter was also very exhilarating. We were just whackin and stackin hogs. That is something that everyone should try once in their life.
Wild hog has distinctly different taste than domestic pigs. Unlike domestic pigs, wild hogs are steroid and antibiotic free and you can really taste the difference. There are so many options to prepare wild hog but for today, we are going to smoke a stuffed pork loin on my Camp Chef Smoker. First – Fire up the smoker. I am using Cherry wood. I just like the take of it.