Tracy L. Burleson
Michael Murray
Jennifer O’Shea
Sherri R. Hamm
Annette Gray
Ashley Reid
Danielle Wong Moores
Melissa Wiedemann
Serena Spiezio
Jason Deller
fax: 845/267-3478
Justin Wolfe
The YGS Group
Pierce H. Norton II, ONE Gas Inc.
Kimberly J. Harris, Puget Sound Energy
Joseph Hamrock, NiSource Inc.
Ralph A. LaRossa, Public Service Electric and Gas Co.
Dave McCurdy, American Gas Association
Lori S. Traweek, American Gas Association
Kevin B. Belford, American Gas Association
Gary W. Gardner, American Gas Association
Kevin M. Hardardt, American Gas Association
Craig L. Adams, PECO Energy, an Exelon Co.
William J. Akley, Eversource Energy
Frank Almarez, CPS Energy
David H. Anderson, NW Natural
Robert F. Beard, UGI Utilities Inc.
Lonnie E. Bellar, LG&E-KU, PPL Companies
John S. D’Orazio, RGC Resources Inc.
Laurence M. Downes, New Jersey Resources
Jeffrey E. DuBois, South Jersey Industries Inc.
David R. Emery, Black Hills Corp.
Andrew Evans, Southern Company Gas
William J. Fehrman, MidAmerican Energy Co.
Kevin Fletcher, WEC Energy Group
Gordon L. Gillette, Tampa Electric and Peoples Gas
Michael E. Haefner, Atmos Energy Corp.
Jeffrey Harrison, Citizens Energy Group
John P. Hester, Southwest Gas Corp.
Glenn R. Jennings, Delta Natural Gas Co. Inc.
Patricia L. Kampling, Alliant Energy Corp.
J. Bret Lane, Southern California Gas Co.
Kent T. Larson, Xcel Energy Inc.
Diane Leopold, Dominion Energy
Richard J. Mark, Ameren Illinois
Kevin Marsh, SCANA Corp.
John McAvoy, Consolidated Edison Inc.
Terry D. McCallister, WGL Holdings Inc.
Michael P. McMasters, Chesapeake Utilities Corp.
Scott L. Morris, Avista Corp.
Jerry Norcia, DTE Energy
Morgan K. O’Brien, Peoples Natural Gas
Patricia K. Poppe, CMS Energy Corp.
Scott M. Prochazka, CenterPoint Energy
Robert C. Rowe, NorthWestern Energy
Suzanne Sitherwood, Spire Inc.
Nick Stavropoulos, Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
Ronald J. Tanski, National Fuel Gas Co.
James P. Torgerson, AVANGRID Inc.
Ross W. Turrini, National Grid
Craig E. White, Philadelphia Gas Works
Franklin M. Yoho, Duke Energy Corp.
Carl L. Chapman, Vectren Corp.
Nicole A. Kivisto, Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.
James P. Laurito, Fortis Inc.
Michael Mulcahy, FortisBC Energy Inc.
Ian Robertson, Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp.
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