Imagine a field technician, nine months into an apprenticeship program, inspecting a regulator station on a remote site when he encounters a valve configuration he has not experienced before in the field. Fortunately, the technician had practiced on a similar scenario within a virtual reality training simulation a month prior. However, he wants to confirm one aspect of the procedure before getting started.
By pulling out his mobile unit and scanning the QR code on the valve, the technician is instantly linked to a 3D-model rendering of the exact valve unit, with instructions for each step of the approved inspection process. He can easily access and use the same procedure he learned in training to ensure he completes the inspection safely and accurately.
For many people, this might seem like a scene out of a Star Trek movie, but many industries have begun implementing these forms of advanced learning and performance support solutions. These solutions are particularly valuable for practicing infrequent tasks related to high-risk work.
Our industry’s response to 2020 demonstrates that times of crisis and uncertainty inspire great opportunities for accelerating innovation. In fact, some companies are now accelerating technology and learning innovations five to 10 years ahead of forecasted schedules.
These new realities have inspired business and training leaders to design creative solutions that meet their organizations’ unique needs and obstacles head-on.
As the evolution of technology and social norms has dramatically transformed how people access, share and gain knowledge, it has also accelerated the reality that organizations must enable learning everywhere. This unanticipated path has revealed a great opportunity to embrace a “Learn Anywhere” mindset.
This Learn Anywhere philosophy is based on the principle that audiences are using technology to connect and share information everywhere. Every touchpoint is an opportunity to engage, educate and sustainably support learners. Advancements in technology enable organizations to provide employees with relevant, engaging and valuable information—when, where and how they need it—to equip them to perform at their best.
From a business perspective, this audience-centric model addresses the ongoing changes every organization is going through by strategically targeting specific role-based operational and training needs with the right blend of sustainable learning experiences. This approach provides the agility required to align directly with critical competency and performance objectives.
As business and training leaders, we can inform, instruct and inspire employees in ways we never thought possible. For example, augmenting live, virtual and web-based training events with agile micro-learning and immersive, experiential interactions allows us to engage the workforce fully, while accurately measuring competency and performance targets.
Below is an overview of the advanced digital learning modalities available for organizations to use to address their employees’ specific training needs. These methods are accessible from multiple device types and provide detailed data tracking, analysis and evaluation opportunities:
Face-to-face and virtual classroom sessions will remain a practical and foundational method of training. But for companies seeking to establish an agile organization focused on sustainably integrated talent development and performance improvement, there’s substantial value in expanding access to and application of critical knowledge through the integration of advanced digital learning solutions:
Our industry will continue to evolve more and more rapidly as technologies and equipment continue developing and improving. The workforce’s ability to keep up with these changes and operate our systems safely and reliably depends on the organization’s ability to train workers effectively.
As we evaluate the value of increased accessibility, reinforcement, application, assessment and measurement opportunities associated with adopting advanced digital learning methods, organizations must consider the tremendous cultural, reputational, legal and financial risks resulting from not adapting their training methods. The advanced capabilities available today enable organizations to fully prepare, support and validate each employee’s level of competency and ability to perform crucial roles safely and successfully.
While in part out of necessity, our social and economic landscape has evolved rapidly. As a result, the future of learning is upon us. We have the opportunity, means, motivation and, perhaps, the obligation to leap forward as business and training leaders. It is time to think differently about how the people we are entrusted with preparing and supporting should expect to access and retain the knowledge and skills they require to do their work safely, efficiently and reliably.
Peter Kelley is chief creative director of Mosaic Digital Learning Group.