DTE Gas customers seize a unique opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint
A pioneering new program offered by DTE Gas helps customers reduce their household carbon emissions footprint through a combination of renewable natural gas and carbon offsets.
By enrolling in CleanVision Natural Gas Balance, customers can opt to give from $4 to $16 monthly to offset their carbon footprint by 25% to 100%. Nearly 2,300 customers initially signed up or moved over from DTE Gas’ previous program, BioGreenGas, which the Natural Gas Balance program replaced.
“Our customers wanted a program that was more impactful, yet still affordable, than our previous program, BioGreenGas,” Dan Brudzynski, vice president, sales & supply, told American Gas. “DTE is the only company offering a customer program that combines the delivery of RNG to customers and carbon offsets, enabling 100% offsetting of an average home’s natural gas emissions.”
RNG will be sourced by transforming landfill emissions and wastewater treatment plant byproducts into usable gas for heating homes and fueling businesses.
The carbon offset portion of the program helps protect Michigan forests, which naturally absorb greenhouse gases. DTE is purchasing carbon offsets focused on improved forestry projects on behalf of the customers who enroll, Brudzynski said. The purchase of the carbon offsets provides a financial incentive for the timber companies that own the land to not cut down or harvest their trees.
“Those customers who enroll in Natural Gas Balance will be keeping the trees in place so that they can continue to do their part for the environment now and for future generations,” he said. “Once the program reaches our 10-year enrollment goal, participants will be protecting 25,000 acres of Michigan forests and will have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.”
DTE is investing in promoting the program so all its customers are aware of it, Brudzynski said. “The program is part of DTE Gas’ 2050 net zero plan, which stretches from the wellhead with our suppliers through our own operations and to the burner tips of our customers,” he said.
It’s estimated that DTE’s clean energy commitment, combined with customer participation in sustainability programs like CleanVision Natural Gas Balance and energy efficiency, could reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 6 million metric tons by 2050—the equivalent of offsetting natural gas emissions of 1 million homes or taking 1.3 million cars off the road annually, the utility said.