COMEDY-DRAMA Flora (Eve Hewson, who suggests a mix of Emily Blunt and Florence Pugh) is a divorced Dublin woman with no prospects and a troubled son, Max (Orén Kinlan). Then she begins taking online guitar lessons from Jeff, an L.A. songwriter played to perfection by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He’s every handsome folk troubadour who’s ever lived, with an added dash of painter Bob Ross’s imperturbable Zen. Flora’s connection with Jeff is strong enough that she can imagine him in her presence. But Max, too, is developing music in his soul. A charming, spirit-kindling little film. (In theaters Sept. 22, R; launches on Apple TV+ Sept. 29)
COMEDY Wolf splits her stand-up special into three parts— snackable portions of her brilliantly ironic, fearlessly provocative comedy. Topics include Nancy Reagan and the social media phenomenon called Karen. Wolfe says Karen actually dates back to a cave-painting figure: “It’s just a woman who’s like, ‘You’re not supposed to have a fire here.’ ” (Streaming now)
ANIMATED Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty) is the creator of this inventively ridiculous series. Tyrannis (Richard Ayoade), king of ancient Krapopolis, is a progressive-minded fumbler eager to get civilization going, but his mother (Hannah Waddingham) is a time-consumingly meddlesome diva—she’s a goddess, in fact, who refers to rival Athena as “that sweaty bitch.” (Sept. 24, 8 p.m.)