I was pleased to read about the 50th anniversary of the Mug and those alums who, like me, enjoyed it thoroughly during our Vassar years. I wanted to add one note, a fond memory from 1975.
As the venue was being readied for opening, there was a campus-wide contest, inviting students to name the new hangout. As an English major, I was determined to submit a sobriquet that was both pithy and on point. Recalling that our esteemed founder made his fortune as a brewer, and wanting to provide an inviting and casual homage to him, I came up with “Matthew’s Mug.”
Much to my delight and surprise, I won! My “reward” consisted of an embossed metallic stein (which I promptly gave to my brother, also named Matthew), and the honor of the first dance from the jukebox with then-President Alan Simpson at the grand opening—before the rugby strutters.
It was a great evening and the Mug was a wonderful getaway then, as I’m sure it is today. Thanks for this delightful update!
Lisa Feder-Feitel ’77New York, NY
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