Updating Your e-Profile With a Name Change
The printed name on your primary ID must exactly match the name, as it appears, on your ATT letter; this includes first name, middle name, last name, and suffix. The name on your ATT letter is the same name you entered when creating your NABP e-Profile. After receiving your ATT letter, review it and make sure that your name exactly matches the name on the ID you will present at the testing center.
Some flexibility is allowed for middle names and initials. For example, it is acceptable for your ID to contain your full middle name and your ATT letter to contain only your middle initial, as long as the middle initial matches the first letter of your middle name. See the table below for examples of acceptable and unacceptable name matching combinations.
If you realize that the name on your ATT does not match your ID, or if you change your name (for example, due to marriage or divorce), you must have your name updated with the board of pharmacy and with NABP at least 5 business days prior to your scheduled examination appointment.
To update your name with NABP (including middle name, last name, or full name), log in to your e-Profile, click on “My e-Profile Information,” and follow the instructions to submit documentation.
To update your name with a board of pharmacy, contact the board directly.
February 2025