Duncan Wilson
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Two articles in the May/June 2023 “Power Outage” issue mention the 2019 power system disturbance in the United Kingdom. However, neither of the articles provided much detail on this disturbance, which occurred on 9 August 2019 and caused approximately 1 million customers to lose power. The sequence of events that happened on that summer evening can be summarized as follows:
A total of approximately 1 GW of the system’s demand was disconnected during the disturbance. National Grid’s full report on the disturbance can be viewed in the National Grid ESO LFDD 09/08/2019 Incident Report at https://www.nationalgrideso.com/document/152346/download.
—Duncan Wilson
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2023.3288581
Date of current version: 21 August 2023