Robert Currie, Sean Peisert, Anna Scaglione, Aram Shumavon, Nikhil Ravi
The traditional approach to planning the distribution grid has focused on reliability in the context of gradual and reasonably predictable load growth. Forecasts of load growth, combined with asset management practices, were used by system planners to identify upgrades to the system to maintain or improve reliability. The decisions, typically based within load flow analysis tools, included considerations about contingency scenarios and corporate forecasts (i.e., top-down predictions at a summary level of what would happen in a particular area that could impact load growth and behavior). Today, this traditional approach no longer fits all purposes.
At the top of the list of reasons to question the conventional wisdom about planning are the rapid growth in distributed energy resources (DERs) and the electrification of transportation and residential heating, which have the potential to radically alter the characteristics of the load on the system in terms of the magnitude, duration, and timing, with corresponding impacts on the need for distribution grid capacity. In addition, all of these edge resources have embedded intelligence as well as network communication capabilities, which are becoming faster and more reliable. In turn, a large amount of data are becoming available on customer demand, behavior, and technology adoption, including a variety of DER devices connected through smart inverters. The collection of data from the edge device networks is aimed at improving both the planning and the operation of the grid; however, sharing them creates several cybersecurity and data privacy issues since distribution-level data include personally identifiable information (PII). It is extremely important that these data be shared in a manner appropriate for critical energy infrastructure information. This article’s goal is to highlight the main technologies that can be harnessed to define industry standards on solid scientific ground and the need to tailor them to address emerging energy sector data needs.
While covering different approaches to address data security, the focus is on a statistical framework called differential privacy (DP), which has emerged as the most reliable way to open the data to different stakeholders while, at the same time, preventing the leakage of sensitive data attributes and PII. This method has not been codified as a grid standard and was not considered in the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection development, a cybersecurity framework defined for the identification and protection of critical cyber assets to support the reliable operation of the bulk electric system.
To accommodate DERs both in front of and behind the meter, it is important to understand customer behavior and technology performance. This knowledge will also help to leverage the demand response (DR), especially with electric vehicles (EVs); the DR will complement grid storage and reduce congestion. Improved data sharing and visibility on the power grid are necessary for planning the interconnection of grid-scale renewables and storage, including where capacity is available and where DERs can add value. This dynamic impacts a range of existing or emerging activities (including those shown in Figure 1) that are necessary to support the decarbonization of the economy.
It is against this backdrop that this article discusses where cybersecurity and data privacy concerns are impacting the planning and operation of inverter-based resources and DERs. We begin by considering the following trends that are emerging as the industry grapples with these challenges.
Regulators or governments require utilities to share more data. Due to the emerging nature of this type of activity, there are inconsistencies in the treatment of security and data privacy concerns. Some recent developments include the Integrated Energy Data Resource program in New York and the mandated use of the Common Information Model for sharing grid data in the United Kingdom.
The distribution section of the grid suffers from a lack of investment in the acquisition and management of data. Planning models, geospatial data, and operational data are often managed separately and suffer from a range of quality and accuracy issues. These are not simple issues to resolve and require investment as well as new processes and procedures at the utility, which take time and funding. Collating and analyzing low-quality data can be challenging, as the data often require skilled preprocessing. These difficulties may not be immediately apparent until the data are used for various purposes. In light of the developments that were discussed in the “Increasing Governmental Oversight” section, the industry will have to first confront the issues related to aging data-handling workflows. For example, although having data shared about the grid is intended to simplify the process of submitting planning applications for solar developers, it may require a significant amount of specialized knowledge to cleanse, process, and use such data effectively. As a result, developers may need to maintain constant communication with the utility to address any issues that arise. More generally, it may be possible to simultaneously address some of the problems related to the aging infrastructure via an industrywide standardization effort.
A positive development is happening in the communication networking industry, which is defining new standards for the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT). The aim of these standards is to enable what is referred to as “Industry 4.0” through a flexible set of communication protocols that can be adapted to the needs of different industrial control systems. An example is the so-called lightweight machine-to-machine communications protocol stack, which allows mapping virtually any sensor instrumentation into a standardized common description format. Lightweight machine to machine includes the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), which is an interoperable simplified version of HTTP for IoT devices, as well as the standard called Object Security for Constrained (Representational State Transfer) RESTful Environments, which standardizes the application-layer protection of CoAP. Object Security for Constrained (Representational State Transfer) RESTful Environments provides end-to-end protection in communications with CoAP or CoAP-mappable HTTP clients and HTTP servers, incorporating another important access control mechanism that works together with the existing standard datagram transport layer security protocol.
Safeguards are critical for open data development. In the last decade, the push for open data has inspired methods that use statistical safeguards to protect PII and address the implications of sharing data on the privacy and security of the owners of the data. An example is the highly successful use of DP for the U.S. 2020 census. For instance, there are many reasons why data related to customer consumption and the power grid are not shared. Sometimes usage patterns uniquely identify individuals and their activities inside buildings, sometimes data can reveal weaknesses in the grid that could help an attacker manipulate grid operation, and data may also be considered proprietary. At the same time, grid telemetry is extremely valuable for understanding grid operation, both for system operation and research purposes, including stability, optimization, planning, security, and more. Other data, like solar photovoltaic adoption, allow reidentification through satellite imaging of the residence where the photovoltaics are installed. Information about EV charging, including details on EVs and their participation in DR programs as well as data on charging locations, can be exploited to launch cyberattacks on the communication between and the control of EV charging infrastructure. Similar issues are associated with disclosing distribution systems information. The way the industry approaches these issues to facilitate coordinated decision making requires statistical safeguards to be appropriately applied.
Cloud infrastructure is poised to play an increasing role in the collection and sharing of energy data. Outside the electric utility sector, clouds are becoming nearly ubiquitous, and they are considered the prevalent solution for data-intensive applications; inevitably, this trend is impacting the discussion about privacy standards as well as their enforcement in the utility sector. However, within the electric utility sector and within the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection standardization efforts, it is not currently clear how to securely use cloud infrastructures and virtualization and how utilities should work in a shared security model with the cloud providers. This lack of clarity impacts the ability of utilities to make progress on leveraging cloud computing capacity across all parts of their organizations. One positive development for the industry to monitor, particularly at the distribution level, is the emergence of IoT protocols that aim to establish end-to-end security measures. These secured IoT protocols could prove beneficial for cloud-based services used in industrial control systems applications.
When considering data sharing with statistical protection, there are two main configurations. In Figure 2(a), we describe the situation where customer data are protected before being aggregated by a server, which would provide the most protection to the consumer. However, the prevalent vision of the grid is that of a trusted curator, as seen in Figure 2(b); the electric utility itself; or a contractor. Utilities inherently silo data, making sharing very difficult, out of concern that sharing certain data can implicitly violate the privacy of customers. In addition, the default operational security paradigm for the past two decades has been to protect utility grids for national security reasons. While regulators are requiring utilities to share more data, fear of sharing data still exists for extremely relevant reasons, like privacy. As a result, there is a push and a pull for and against sharing that leaves utilities stuck in the middle.
This tension puts utilities in a quandary—there is great value in making data available to partners, peers, vendors, federal and state governments, and even researchers but also risks in doing so. What are those risks? What degree of information sharing is acceptable? What controls on sharing are considered most acceptable to the various stakeholders, including legal, technical, and statistical controls? What controls are acceptable to the users of the data, given that technical controls and anonymization approaches can make data essentially useless as well? Next, we aim to capture our findings about requirements, best practices, and forward-looking recommendations to serve as useful source material for stakeholders and future standards development.
As discussed in the previous sections, there are major concerns with sharing data. Many of those concerns are enforced by regulators or state bodies. In general, these findings stem from fears about how grid data could be misused as they change hands. An example is the physical attacks on grid equipment, such as the 2013 Metcalf substation incident, or cyberattacks. As a result, regulations generally indicate that such data should not be made public. More broadly, individual privacy sentiments across many sectors have increased in recent years, as have specific laws and regulations regarding individual privacy. Notable examples include the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act in the United States, among others.
However, a lot of electric grid data are public. Anyone can determine the topology of a distribution grid by driving around and following electrical lines or by viewing satellite (e.g., Google Earth) or ground (e.g., Google Street View) imagery. One might argue that forcing an attacker to drive around neighborhoods to follow transmission lines or sift through online imagery might raise the bar sufficiently to protect the grid. Some argue that electrical lines should be removed from Google Earth and Street View, but this overlooks the fact that information may still be accessible through alternative sources, like Bing. Additionally, as demonstrated by sites like WikiLeaks, once data are made public, it is difficult to control their spread and they may remain accessible even if they are removed from specific platforms. Attempting to make public information private may well amplify the degree to which that information spreads.
We would argue that once the proverbial cat is out of the bag, it is not going to be put back inside. Furthermore, pretending that grid data are not public is not simply “security through obscurity” but is self-defeating. A motivated adversary would never be deterred by alternative means of finding such information with such a low barrier to the acquisition, and, in the meantime, vital resources are being wasted on protecting data that do not need to be protected, and important activities for which the data are necessary cannot be accomplished. Having access to the relevant data is especially useful when it comes to the coordinated planning and preparation required to massively increase the scale of inverter-based DERs connected to the grid.
As a result of their efforts to hide data, many utilities are left with two paths. One is that utilities are periodically forced to hand over large datasets, for example, because of regulatory audits or a state-level initiative. In such circumstances, ironically, this attempt to protect and not share data ends up exposing even more of the raw data themselves. While sharing the data with regulators may be considered “safe” from a national security perspective, it may only exacerbate the privacy problem (e.g., the data might contain PII) and may also leave utilities more exposed to regulatory penalties and scrutiny. Further, sharing these data implies trust in the recipient. However, trust of intent is one thing, and trust of competence—or at least greater competence than all possible adversaries—is another. The failure of organizations, including the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency, to protect classified information demonstrates that trust in competence is inadequate. Even with the vast security protections taken by these organizations, sharing data still requires implicitly trusting any stakeholders with access, particularly the system administrators and anyone with physical access to the system containing the sensitive data. Even with all of the legal contracts one could wish for, such implicit trust requirements increase the risk to and liability of an institution for accepting the responsibility for hosting data or, conversely, the risk to the owners and stakeholders who are interested in seeing those data remain confidential.
The other approach that is emerging as a best practice for sharing grid data is the so-called “15/15 rule.” This rule states that any aggregation of customer data is considered anonymous if it contains at least 15 customers and if no single customer’s data makes up 15% or more of the total values in the aggregated answer. However, the 15/15 rule has been shown to offer no analytical privacy guarantee. For instance, an adversary could strategically execute common aggregate queries (like calculating the average power load in a feeder) multiple times and apply simple algebraic manipulations to deduce the existence or absence of individual data records and the specific information they contain.
Most traditional anonymization or sanitization approaches generally work very much like the “15/15 rule” in that they mask certain fields in a set of records and/or aggregate data in a way that seeks to find privacy in the safety of numbers (15 in the case of the 15/15 rule). Techniques that do this include k-anonymity and several related variations. However, all such techniques have repeatedly been shown to fail to preserve privacy by suffering from “linkage attacks” in which even supposedly anonymized records in the database are linked with external sources of information that can expose sensitive details. Notorious examples of this include identifying Massachusetts Governor William Weld in the Personal Genome Project data and the deanonymization of portions of the Netflix Prize dataset by linking the private data with publicly available Internet Movie Database data.
A common misconception exists that sharing synthetic data, which mimics the trends and patterns of actual data, would protect individual privacy. If such synthetic data reproduce the ensemble averages of the data they are emulating, then, clearly, this is equivalent to sharing such averages, which, as we said, is not how one can truly safeguard privacy.
The solution that “more data sharing is better” is not advisable because, often, it is not. It is unnecessary to share a lot of data, as this does not materially benefit potential use cases, and the privacy and confidentiality risks outweigh the benefits of sharing. Moreover, any shared data must also be well curated, and this, again, speaks to sharing the right data, not just more data. There is a set of queries that provides the necessary information for stakeholders to optimize their regulation or business objectives. Sharing the right data is important to optimize the mechanisms for opening data while using statistical safeguards.
One of the core tenets of regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation and California Consumer Privacy Act mentioned earlier is not just that sharing private information about individuals should be limited but that, when it is shared, there should be transparency about what is shared; with whom it is shared; and how it will be used, stored, and eventually deleted once shared. Data do have to be shared more broadly to support grid planning and to meet decarbonization targets. However, perhaps more could be done to promote more awareness for the end consumer on what data are linked to them and what the purpose is for sharing those data or performing analyses on them. Transparency would also allow the research community to vet methods and practices. In California, the California Public Utilities Commission and the California investor-owned utilities both acknowledge that these practices should be conveyed in an “understandable language.” However, the current criteria are very open ended. In contrast, companies like Google and Apple are now including “privacy nutrition labels” in their app stores. These labels used by Google and Apple, based on earlier work by Lorrie Cranor at Carnegie Mellon University, provide an easy-to-read, standard information template on what data are being collected and the purpose of collecting those data. The electric utility industry could consider a similar approach that is tailored to the type of information and analysis of energy systems.
Secure multiparty computation and homomorphic encryption are techniques for computing over encrypted data. Unlike approaches like network encryption and full disk encryption, which protect data in transit and at rest, respectively, these techniques protect while in use, and, as a result, data never need to be decrypted at all. Both techniques have made significant strides over the past 10 years and have also been applied to securing and ensuring the privacy of underlying data in analysis processes, including those used in the financial sector and government policy. However, such techniques generally remain substantially—sometimes orders of magnitude—slower than cleartext computation. They can also require custom code modification and recompilation of data analysis code. Therefore, both performance and usability challenges can be significant. Thus, at least for the foreseeable future, such approaches do not appear to represent a primary solution for large-scale data analysis and machine learning. As a result, while software-based encryption techniques can be useful, they seem unlikely to represent the path forward for securing data analysis soon. However, secure multiparty computation can be accomplished using hardware trusted execution environments (TEEs), which can be performant solutions for modern data-driven computing, such as machine learning and graph analysis.
TEEs are portions of certain modern microprocessors that enforce strong separation from other processes on the CPU, and some can even encrypt memory and computation. Common commercial TEEs today include ARM’s Confidential Compute Architecture, Intel’s Secure Guard Extensions, and AMD’s Secure Encrypted Virtualization. TEEs can be used to improve security over traditional enclaves at minimal cost to performance in comparison to computing over plaintext. TEEs can isolate computation, preventing even system administrators of the machine in which the computation is running from observing the computation or data being used or generated in the computation. The broad interest in leveraging TEEs to protect data is emphasized by the creation of the Linux Foundation’s Confidential Computing Consortium and the fact that all three major commercial cloud providers—Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure—all have some sort of TEE functionality.
Another important point is that these methods are still based on controlling access and therefore rely on trusting the recipient of the information. As we said, establishing such trust is not an easy task.
DP is a statistical technique for protecting the privacy of algorithms, such as statistical database queries that allow opening the database to third-party queries. The basic idea is to release a randomized answer to database queries, using a mechanism to generate the random answer that is designed to guarantee that sensitive attributes of the data used in computing the query are hard to guess from the answer. Its most common mechanism works by adding pseudorandom “noise” to the results of query outputs to hide the presence of any individual record in the database being queried, no matter how targeted the query might be to reveal such information. While the attribute to be hidden is primarily the presence of a specific data record in the subset, the idea can be generalized to hide a particular class attribute. Given its statistical rigor, DP was used by the 2020 U.S. census and is also used by Apple, Google, Microsoft, and others for gathering sensitive information while protecting the privacy of the individuals or other elements contained in the database records.
More specifically, as illustrated in Figure 3, consider two datasets identical in every sense except for one record—changed or missing—and an aggregate query, such as average, standard deviation, histogram, maximum, etc. As shown in Figure 3, DP mechanisms guarantee that the corresponding randomized answers are nearly statistically indistinguishable with respect to individual records. Examples of DP mechanisms include the Laplacian and Gaussian mechanisms, which involve treating the true query answer with an appropriately tuned noise drawn from the Laplacian and the Gaussian distributions, respectively.
Since the analysis of the data often requires a session that includes many queries, it is important to ensure that privacy guarantees are offered for the ensemble of the queries in the session. Because the noise added in each query is independent, the joint privacy leakage is the sum of the privacy leakages in each query. Thus, to have a certain level of DP guaranteed throughout the session, the analyst shall allocate to each query a fraction of the total available budget.
Hence, the statistical guarantee is based on a specific budget the analyst is endowed with, which expires well before all of the queries combined would allow the analyst to accurately infer what should be hidden. It is a fundamental result of statistics that, eventually, with enough measurements, the additive noise embedded in them can be overcome, and inferences become increasingly reliable. Containing the queries within a budget prevents the analyst from eventually guessing the information that needs to be kept private.
DP is, thus, a statistically sound, technical solution to mitigate privacy leakage while still enabling useful information sharing. Our results have demonstrated the effectiveness of leveraging DP with advanced metering infrastructure load time series data to generate differentially private synthetic load data that are consistent with the original (labeled) data while preserving privacy. At the same time, it was unclear what it would take to adopt a new technical approach to ensure the privacy of grid data. Would such a solution require regulatory approval, or could a lengthy approval process be avoided because the differentially private output is already considered sufficiently “deidentified”? If the regulation needs to change, it is also unclear what demonstration would be sufficient to change that regulation. Note also that these statistical techniques distort the data, and one needs to be mindful in a safety-critical infrastructure about the implication of such errors on the decision-making process that the information is supposed to aid. Striking the best tradeoff between accuracy and privacy is something that cannot be left as an afterthought and should be codified in standards.
Evidence exists that, if applied strategically, DP is a very promising approach. Specifically, we observed that it is possible to communicate clustering results on load data and release the data centroids and labels in a differentially private manner, releasing the results with privacy guarantees and with minimum error. In Figure 4, we show the results of differentially private clustering (into six clusters) of daily load shapes belonging to 1,409 consumers from 12 distribution circuits across California, USA. In this technique, we add optimal noise to all six centroids (the true and DP centroids are indicated using black diamonds and yellow stars, respectively) and the labels of a subset of houses (indicated with square markers). Clustering can be a first step to devising a differentially private methodology to generate synthetic traces. As it turns out, traces in each cluster fit a multidimensional log-normal distribution well (see Figure 5).
Since in a logarithmic scale such data are Gaussian, one can generate the synthetic random time series by randomizing the mean and covariance parameters of the distribution to enforce the desired DP guarantees on these statistical quantities, which, in turn, guarantees that the synthetic data are themselves differentially private. The results of this process are showcased in Figure 6, where we show (in gray) 15 synthetically generated load shape time series for each cluster. In the figure, the areas shaded in brown and green represent the patterns of real and artificially generated data, respectively. These shaded regions show a range of confidence in the data. When we compare the two shaded regions, we notice that they overlap to a large extent, meaning that the real and artificially generated data patterns are very similar to each other.
One may wonder if such synthetic data are still useful for further analysis of the system. These synthetically generated load shapes were tested on two standard (the MATPOWER 141 and a modified balanced IEEE 123) distribution system test cases. Load shapes from households across all six clusters and their synthetically generated load shapes were used as the load inputs of an optimal power flow problem to obtain the voltage magnitude and phase at each bus. The histograms of voltage magnitude and phase obtained under both cases with true and synthetic load profiles in Figures 7 and 8 showcase that the results obtained for the synthetic loads provide a good match for those obtained for the true loads.
While these results are promising, the pathway to obtaining accuracy appears to be inextricable from tailoring the mechanisms to the queries. To achieve greater utility of the shared noisy query answers, standards may have to go deeper in defining what and how one can share data or queries about them with DP guarantees. Unfortunately, the naive approach of releasing data directly after adding noise is untenable because the noise that needs to be added to preserve privacy, without any form of query aggregation, is such that future analyses would be extremely inaccurate and, therefore, mostly misleading. This point relates to the one made previously on “sharing the right data” or, more precisely, sharing the right information about the data and designing statistical methods that are not only guaranteed to preserve privacy but also are designed to give the best accuracy possible, given the privacy constraints.
DP can enable data sharing without exposing raw data, thus potentially enabling any untrusted user access to those data without risk. TEEs protect against untrusted computing providers and can be made to perform secure multiparty computation. Each approach has its benefits and can be deployed separately based on the risk model, and they can also be put together to provide more comprehensive guarantees about securing data from both platform providers and end users of the data in question. Although both are in production use in commercial industry, government, or both, neither DP nor TEEs have stopped evolving, and both will continue to become even more usable and performant. For energy data, it is important to incorporate domain expertise to clarify the type of analytical results that are most beneficial to different stakeholders and then determine the mechanisms that strike the best compromise between privacy and the accuracy of the data queries.
In conclusion, the next steps include working with standards organizations that have the scope to address a critical mass of solar/inverter/distributed energy industry stakeholders; regulators; end users of grid data, including grid planning and research; and technical experts in privacy-preserving methods, such as the ones that we have discussed here.
This research was supported in part by the director of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; Solar Energy Technologies Office; and the director of the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response of the U.S. Department of Energy.
N. Ravi et al., “Differentially private K-means clustering applied to meter data analysis and synthesis,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 4801–4814, Nov. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TSG.2022.3184252.
C. Dwork, “Differential privacy,” in Proc. 33rd Int. Colloq. Automata, Lang. Program., Part II (ICALP), Jul. 2006, vol. 4052. [Online] . Available:
“Statistical safeguards,” U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC, USA, Apr. 2023. [Online] . Available:
Robert Currie is with Kevala, Inc., San Francisco, California 94133 USA.
Sean Peisert is with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720 USA.
Anna Scaglione is with Cornell University, New York, NY 10044 USA.
Aram Shumavon is with Kevala, Inc., San Francisco, California 94133 USA.
Nikhil Ravi is with Cornell University, New York, NY 10044 USA.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2023.3288595
Date of current version: 21 August 2023