Beginning in august, elections will be held for the positions of IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) president-elect, secretary, and treasurer. The candidates are as follows:
The successful candidates will serve for the term of 2023–2024. To learn more about the candidates before casting your ballot, read the biographies and candidate statements that follow.
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
I have unique experiences and broad knowledge of PES and IEEE, given my multiple successful activities and leadership positions in my 37 years of being an active member and volunteer. Based on my open and transparent approach as PES leader, witnessed by many members and volunteers with whom I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating, and on my recent experience as IEEE division director, I believe that I can provide the required stewardship of PES to properly serve its broad academic, industry, and worldwide membership.
I appreciate President Jessica Bian’s inclusive, transparent, and generous leadership style, and thus, if honored by being elected PES president, I plan to follow a similar approach. Furthermore, besides facilitating and supporting all of the great ongoing work by PES members and volunteers, I’ll focus on enhancing the impact and relevance of PES to the world’s net-zero future for which the power grid will be the backbone, as well as increasing the growing PES relevance and leadership role within the IEEE, properly reflecting its size, for which I’ve been pushing as director.
I have been at the University of Waterloo since 1993, where I am a University of Waterloo professor, Hydro One chair, and Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy executive director. My highly cited research with industry and government partners has focused on relevant and practical aspects of power and energy systems in the context of markets and grid-edge technologies, like microgrids. I am the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid editor in chief; IEEE Division VII director; a Fellow of the IEEE, Royal Society of Canada, and Canadian Academy of Engineering; and have received multiple awards and recognitions from Waterloo and PES.
I have been a very active member of PES since 1986, contributing significantly to its technical activities and holding technical leadership positions in multiple committees, working groups, and task forces. I now play a leadership role in PES and IEEE as an active member of the PES Governing Body and Executive Committee, IEEE Technical Activities Board and Board of Directors, and several associated committees.
I have held 52 PES and IEEE membership and leadership positions, in particular:
I have received 20 IEEE PES awards and recognitions, in particular:
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong
As we tackle climate change through decarbonization of power and energy systems, our industry faces significant challenges and opportunities. PES stands at the forefront of innovation and progress, leading the way in cutting-edge technologies.
I am eager to outline my goals for PES: fostering global collaboration, innovation, and inclusion. These target a sustainable, reliable, and equitable energy future with special attention to boosting the role of Women in Engineering and underprivileged regions.
My vision leverages PES’s strengths to lead the global transition towards decarbonization, digitalization, and decentralization of power and energy systems. I propose a five-step plan: establishing stronger local partnerships, internationalizing PES through diverse connections, developing targeted marketing and outreach, boosting region- and minority-tailored membership development, and enhancing member support. I am committed to working with PES members to achieve these goals, ensuring PES remains a vital resource worldwide.
I bring extensive experience based on numerous IEEE and PES leadership positions and collaborations with renowned institutions. I am deeply motivated to serve as PES president and partner with the organization to achieve its mission.
Prof. C.Y. Chung is the head of department and chair professor of power systems engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU). He received his B.Eng. (with First Class Honors) and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from HKPolyU. He has worked in Canada for the University of Saskatchewan; Powertech Labs, Inc.; and the University of Alberta. His research interests include smart grids, microgrids, and renewable energy. His research work not only generated three U.S. patents and over 300 publications but also resulted in the successful transference of three new commercial software packages developed for power system analysis. He has provided consultancy services to both government agencies and well-known private companies. He has also served as an editor for nine international power and energy systems journals. He is a Fellow of IEEE, CAE, EIC, IET, HKIE, and AAIA.
I have served the IEEE PES in various leadership positions. I am an IEEE Fellow and recipient of the 2021 IEEE Canada P. Ziogas Electric Power Award. I also led the IEEE PES Hong Kong Chapter to receive the 2008 IEEE PES Outstanding Small Chapter and IEEE IAS Outstanding Small Joint Chapter awards in the capacity of Chapter chair. Some of my IEEE and PES activities are highlighted below.
NuGrid Power Corp, Vancouver, BC, Canada
The global energy infrastructure demands a greater level of resiliency and flexibility, and PES offers an ideal platform for embracing and addressing this challenge. As a candidate for IEEE PES president-elect, I am honored to have the opportunity to contribute to this crucial mission.
With three decades of involvement in various PES activities, I have witnessed firsthand the passion, expertise, and mentorship shared among PES members. These core values epitomize PES and make our membership a driving force for serving our communities.
My primary objective is to increase member engagement in solving the greatest challenges of our time, including mitigating and adapting to climate change, while simultaneously developing members’ careers. We must nurture young and innovative minds and foster collaborations with experienced professionals, both locally and globally, to develop the right solutions for tomorrow.
We must also cherish and leverage the existing synergy between industry and academia, one of the core strengths of PES, to address power and energy-related challenges and achieve a more resilient and sustainable energy future “for the benefit of humanity.”
Dr. Rahmatian is a cofounder and president of NuGrid Power Corp. He has contributed to several techniques for power system measurement and automation over the past 30 years. He is a professional engineer and a Fellow of IEEE for contributions to optical voltage and current sensors. He is a past chair of the PES’s Technical Council, active at PES Power System Relaying and Control, as well as Power System Instrumentation and Measurements committees. He is also active in the International Council on Large Electrical Systems (CIGRE, Distinguished Member), International Electrotechnical Commission, the Canadian Standards Association, and the North American Synchrophasor Initiative. His present technical focus is on wideband optical sensors, synchronized measurement systems, digital substations, integration challenges of distributed energy resources, high-speed measurement of voltage and current, traveling-wave–based fault location, and grid resiliency efforts. Rahmatian has over 100 technical papers and 12 patents to his credit.
I have served on the PES Governing Board as vice-president of technical activities (2018 and 2019) and on the PES Technical Council for 10 years (various leadership/officer roles including the chair). For the past three decades, I have been heavily involved in PES technical committees, chaired the Power System Instrumentation and Measurements Committee, and have contributed to technical standards and reports through various PES technical committees, including having chaired three working groups. I established various process improvements for the PES Technical Council and contributed to reorganizing PES technical committees in the 2015–2016 timeframe. I have been active in the PES Industry Technical Support Leadership Committee for the past four years, currently chairing the PES Corporate Engagement Program. I have also been active on the PES Long-Range Planning Committee for several years, currently chairing Subcommittee 5 on Climate Change.
I have a strong track record for working well and efficiently with all PES leaders/volunteers: a team-first approach.
I have been a member of the IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, and IEEE Standards Association. Currently, I serve as the PES Technical Council liaison to the CIGRE Technical Council and helped establish the memorandum of understanding in place between IEEE (PES) and CIGRE. I also currently serve as the liaison between PES and the IEEE Sensors Council.
I am a Fellow of IEEE for my technical contributions. I have participated and presented at numerous IEEE and PES conferences and panels over the past 30 years. I have served as the PES Technical Council’s Technical Program coordinator for IEEE PES General Meetings 2015 through 2017, managing the technical panels (∼100) and the conference paper review process (>1,000). I have also served as a reviewer for several IEEE and PES journals and conferences.
British Columbia Hydro, BC, Canada
The power and energy industry is facing significant challenges to meet emerging needs for electrification and reduction in carbon emissions. At the same time, we are experiencing an unprecedented increase in the frequency and severity of the climate change-related weather events impacting the power system infrastructure. Supply chain disruptions and workforce decline triggered by the pandemic and political conflicts are further contributing to the criticality of the situation.
In my position with a large North American utility, I see the challenges that lie ahead for our industry and I believe IEEE PES plays a major role in helping us work together to find solutions. I am passionate about shaping the future direction of IEEE PES and I am enthusiastic about our visibility to the public and remaining relevant to the future generations.
If elected as secretary, my goal is to revive activities of the PES History Committee, help reshape our IEEE PES brand in view of the major changes that are upon us, and strengthen IEEE PES’s position within the industry for generations to come.
Dr. Mazana Armstrong is the manager of the Transmission Stations Engineering Division at BC Hydro. She has over 25 years of professional experience in operations, maintenance, and design of high-voltage electric power systems, specifically electrical aspects of 69-kV to 500-kV transmission systems. Armstrong’s professional contributions include standards development addressing electrical safety of the public, power utility workers, and facilities in close proximity of electric power systems.
Armstrong holds a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and an M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of British Columbia, Canada. She is a registered professional engineer in British Columbia, and a Senior Member of IEEE. Armstrong has been an IEEE PES volunteer for over 20 years. Most recently, she served as IEEE PES vice president for Chapters. Armstrong is an IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer and a Member of IEEE Standards Association.
IEEE PES has over 800 professional and student chapters worldwide, delivering technical presentations and networking events to over 40,000 members. As IEEE PES vice president Chapters (2018–2022), I led several important initiatives within PES Chapters organization:
My past accomplishments include the role of PES regional representative for the United States and Canada and chairing the local organizing committee for the 2013 IEEE PES General Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada. In 2011, I was the IEEE Vancouver section chair and the centennial committee chair to mark 100 years of IEEE in Vancouver. Efforts included a significant public outreach, with the City of Vancouver declaring the Engineering Week and unveiling of the IEEE monument at Science World. We published 100 years of the Vancouver section history book for the occasion, raising public awareness of the IEEE brand. Prior to that, I held the roles of section treasurer, secretary, and vice chair. I actively participate with IEEE PES technical committees in development of technical standards.
Eficaa Ensmart Solutions Private Limited, Telangana, India
The secretary’s key responsibility is to work with the PES president, staff, and other leaders to ensure a smooth order of business and maintain PES governance documents at all levels clear, specific, and consistent.
Having served as member of IEEE Board of Directors, Member and Geographic Activities Board, Region10 (R10) Director, PES Governing Board, Member and Geographic Activities chair of Member Engagement and Life Cycle Committee, and in other leadership roles, I have an understanding on the breadth of IEEE. Having responsibly run R10 and other meetings, I understand the advance work needed to construct an agenda, develop and provide supporting material, read and act on governance documents, and ensure proper documents maintenance. I have significant R10 experience in keeping governance documents current and up to date when necessary. I currently serve on the IEEE Governance Committee in 2023–2024.
I work well with staff and believe that a strong partnership between staff and volunteers can get work done efficiently and effectively. As secretary, I will work with the PES Governing Board and staff to place appropriate items on the board agenda. Additionally, I will provide overall supervision of keeping meeting records, activities, and membership for submission to the PES Governing Board.
Ramakrishna Kappagantu graduated in Electrical from Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India, did an M.A. in automation and control from the Post Graduate School, Jawaharial Nehru Technical University, Hyderabad, India, and obtained a Ph.D. (Electrical) from the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India.
With over 39 years of leadership/managerial experience in the Indian power sector (i.e; National Thermal Power Corporation and POWERGRID), currently Kappagantu is chief technical advisor at Eficaa EnSmart Solutions Private Limited for Technical, Strategic, and New Initiatives. He earlier made significant contributions toward management of 55 Gigawatt Southern Regional Grid, its complex real-time operations, power markets, supervisory control and data acquisition-energy management system, and smart grid development in India.
Actively volunteering for over 30 years in IEEE and PES, he served many leadership roles, namely IEEE board member and delegate from 2015 to 2016 as R10 director, PES Governing Board, and Member and Geographic Activities boards. Currently Kappagantu is PES R10 representative and serving on the IEEE Governance Committee, IEEE Service Awards, and Member and Geographic Activities Awards.
An eminent speaker, Kappagantu is published in reputed journals, conferences, and has steered many IEEE international conferences and PES workshops.
My major accomplishments in PES and IEEE include:
ICE Operation and Control Division of the Costa Rican Electrical System (DOCSE)
I am Juan Carlos Montero and I work at the System Operator in Costa Rica. From my homeland, I have seen the value of IEEE PES as a global organization, and I am proud to be part of a great community. For the last two years, I have been working in the IEEE PES treasurer position, looking to promote a use of our community with a global focus and following the IEEE PES Governing Board vision.
I have been an active IEEE PES Governing Board member for seven years, giving me the opportunity to participate in the identification of the hot topics for IEEE PES and the energy industry. We should promote IEEE PES as global organization so our members and volunteers can continue creating amazing technical activities that improve our life.
If elected as IEEE PES treasurer, I will continue working to seek growth with the support of our volunteers worldwide. IEEE PES accomplishes great things through their volunteers, and we should provide them the tools to make their activities easier for them.
Juan Carlos Montero is the current IEEE PES treasurer and the former IEEE PES vice president of Membership and Image. He has previously held several other volunteer leadership roles within PES at the local and international levels. He currently is the IEEE CAPANA council chair. He works in the Costa Rican Power System Operator and has more than 20 years’ experience at his company. He is currently the electrical operational planning coordinator at the Costa Rican National Power Control Center. He also has been part-time professor at the University of Costa Rica for more than 10 years. Mr. Montero received the Bachelor and Licentiate degrees on Electrical Engineering from the University of Costa Rica. He is an IEEE Senior Member.
Mr. Montero has participated on several IEEE and IEEE PES roles on an international level:
Australian Energy Market Operator, Perth, WA, Australia
Dear members of IEEE PES,
I am honored to present my candidacy for a position on the governing board of the IEEE PES. With over three decades of experience in the power and energy industry and a deep understanding of the latest trends and challenges facing our field, I am confident that I can make valuable contributions to the society.
If elected, I will support PES’s mission to advance the knowledge and expertise in the power and energy sector. Working diligently to strengthen our society’s connections with industry and academic communities, I will promote sustainability, innovation, and collaboration, and ensure that the society remains at the forefront of technological advancement. I will also foster diversity, equity, and inclusion and work actively to create a welcoming environment for members from all backgrounds, and to ensure that diverse perspectives are represented in all decision-making processes.
Thank you for considering my candidacy. If elected, I promise to work hard to uphold the values and mission of IEEE PES and to serve our community with integrity and dedication.
Dean Sharafi is heading up the System Design and Transformation Group of the Australian Energy Market Operator. Sharafi holds a degree in applied physics, a degree in electrical engineering, and a degree in business management. He has around 30 years of experience in power system engineering, including power system protection, HV systems, asset management, and power system and electricity market operation.
He is a member of Australian Institute of Management, CIGRE, Engineers Australia, and a Senior Member IEEE. Sharafi has also been a sessional academic and actively involved with IEEE PES initiatives and CIGRE Working Groups over the last decade and has served as a member of the Governing Board of IEEE PES from 2017 to 2022.
Sharafi has published many papers on power system protection, condition monitoring, asset management, and power system operations.
Sharafi is also the author of his memoir, The Unwilling Revolutionary.
I have contributed to PES in different roles, performing as chair of the Western Australian Chapter, chapter representative for Australia and New Zealand, chair of the Scholarship Plus initiative from 2007 to 2017; and serving on the Governing Board as the region representative for Asia Pacific from 2017 to 2022. I have also been the chair of PES conferences in Region 10, supporting these events and ensuring they are successful and a foundation for membership growth in the region. I have attended most of these events and presented as a Keynote speaker or a panelist and have supported them with setting up international advisory committees and finding speakers from the industry.
Furthermore, I have been active on the technical activities of PES, contributing to white papers and podcasts. I have presented PES globally, leading to important agreements, such as signing of corporate membership programs with organizations on behalf of PES. I have contributed to identification and selection of distinguished lecturers for the IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer program.
Cooperating with and attending the editorial board of Power & Energy Magazine, I have served as the guest editor for September/2021 October of Power & Energy Magazine, bringing the Australian perspective on energy transition and renewable energy integration. I am also a regular contributor to the magazine on different topics related to our industry.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2023.3303663
Date of current version: 21 August 2023