Is it my imagination or did the summer go by too fast? My two favorite times of the year always seem to disappear in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, they fall consecutively – summer and Autum. Enjoying the lazy days of summer laying on the beach followed by a few months of tree stand therapy to recover from all of the relaxing days on the beach. Now here we are. It is October, the leaves are falling and turning those vibrant Autum colors of red, orange and yellow. With hunting season upon us, I hope to see more red leaves than the others. I have always loved those early mornings in hunting camp, hours before daybreak. Stepping out of the cabin and feeling that crisp Autum air on your face as you head out into the darkness. That long walk to your stand, the silence of the night, the anticipation. There is no better feeling.
Along with the start of hunting season, we bring you the October edition of American Outdoor New that features one of my most admired outdoorsman, Laramy “Sasquatch” Miller. Laramy is not just any outdoorsman. He is a survivalist. He is in fact, the last mountain man, practicing a lifestyle of generations long gone. If you placed Laramy in a time machine and sent him one hundred years into the past traveling the Oregon trail by wagon train, he would not only thrive, he would be leading the wagon train safely to their final destination.
To complement our interview with Laramy “Sasquatch” Miller, we bring you another interview with professional athlete and certified adrenaline junkie, Greg McHale as he brings us on his own adventures in the remote regions of the Yukon. His exhilarating adventures are sure to keep you at the edge of your seat.
Thank you again for subscribing to American Outdoor News. As we close out this year we look forward to an exciting and eventful future.
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Chris Avena