Advertiser would supply 4 sizes of their ad (Tablet landscape, tablet portrait, phone landscape and phone portrait). This allows different ad images to display based on the size and orientation of the user’s screen or browser. Whatever the condition, PageRaft will use the most appropriate image.
Text and a call to action GIF icon can be added to the top of any stand alone page. This banner can be made to link to a URL, video, case study, white paper, video overlay in the magazine, etc.
Mapped URL links can be set to pulse for the reader to encourage a click.
Oriented in a fixed position at the bottom of each article. Usually a logo or other small sponsorship graphic. This unit would show on all editorial pages unless otherwise specified, it would not show on standard ad pages.
If an advertiser has an animated GIF logo, or small advertisement, it can be placed anywhere in the article as an ad image. Animated logos stand out while reading an article.
Basic animation can be added to any in-article image. This same type of animation can be used to enhance advertisements in the article. These animated effects are selected from a series of stock effects. We only require and effect be selected to enable the feature. Choices include: Bounce, Flash, Shake, Bounce In, Fade In, Flip in Vertical, Flip in Horizontal, Rotate In, Roll In, Zoom In, Slide In Down, Slide In Up, Slide In Left, Slide In Right.