ACUHO-I Headquarters
1445 Summit Street | Columbus, Ohio, 43201-2105Phone: (614) 292-0099 | Fax: (614) 292-3205E-mail: | Web:
CEOMary DeNiro
EditorJames A. Baumann
Managing EditorCamille Perlman
Research LibrarianEmily Glenn
Art DirectorEllen Gray
Copy EditorChristine Freeman
Editorial InternAmanda Gaudette
Ad SalesAlison Jones
Talking Stick Advisory PanelHilary Lichterman
Contributing Writers
Michelle Boettcher, Whitney Daly, Jessica Gunzburger, Aja Holmes, Steve Kleuver, Michele Papakie, Matthew Venaas, Greg Wachalski, Sherry Woosley
PresidentVon Stange, University of Iowa
President-ElectPeter Galloway, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Vice PresidentPam Schreiber, University of Washington
Finance and Corporate Records OfficerMichael Griffel, University of Oregon
Business Practices and Enhancements DirectorOlan Garrett, Temple University
Facilities and Physical Environment DirectorJames Bridgeforth, University of South Alabama
Globalization DirectorEdwina Ellicott, University of Wollongong
Inclusion and Equity DirectorLisa Freeman, American University
Knowledge Enhancement DirectorKirsten Kennedy, University of South Carolina
Residence Education DirectorFrankie Minor, University of Rhode Island
Regional Affiliations DirectorJulie Leos, University of South Florida-Tampa
Workforce Development DirectorKawanna Leggett, Washington University in St. Louis
Small Schools Director (ex officio)Andrew Peterson, Presbyterian College
Pathways to Success Director (ex officio)Luis Inoa, Vassar College
Susan Strobel Hogan, Southern Methodist University (Chair)
Christina Tormey, The College of New Jersey (Chair-Elect)
Anne-Marie Hantman, University at Buffalo
Evan Huckfeldt, Stevenson University
Donta Ingram, The Ohio State University
Jesse Singleton, University of Hawai‘i MÄnoa
The Association of College and University Housing Officers-International is a nonprofit organization that provides professional development experiences for its members by sponsoring programs, services, publications, and research. Association members on college and university campuses worldwide participate in conferences, workshops, committees, and networks. These activities provide a means of exchanging and distributing professional information related to the various aspects of student residence facilities and their related operations.
ACUHO-I actively encourages participation by members of underrepresented groups based on ethnicity, age, sex, gender identity and expression, religious preference, sexual orientation, and disability in all ACUHO-I and institutional activities.
The Talking Stick (ISSN 0746-455X) is published bimonthly, six times a year in January/ February, March/April, May/ June, July/August, September/October, and November/ December by the Association of College and University Housing Officers-International. Periodical postage paid at Columbus, Ohio, and additional offices.
This publication is the sole property of ACUHO-I, and the information herein may not be transferred or reproduced in any form whatsoever, including entering into electronic databases, without written permission. Authors bear full responsibility for the accuracy of references, quotations, tables, and figures submitted for publication. Authors further hold ACUHO-I harmless from any liability resulting from publication of articles. Editorial mention of commercial interests is intended entirely as an information service to readers and should not be construed as an endorsement, actual or implied, by the association.