"One of the trees I have planted in recent years is a Cercis siliquastrum tree, and it's a very special tree. You don't see a lot of them in Scotland, but the actual flowers grow out from the bark of the tree or appear to grow from the bark of the tree, and it is just smothered in these very intense pink flowers. Then the leaves grow and it's got a lovely heart-shaped leaf, and then in autumn, you get a lovely leaf colour.
"Other plants would be the purpley blue Salivia ‘Amistad’, it flowers and flowers and flowers, and it'll probably go on into December.
"Another plant that I like is the star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides), partly because I love the fact that it's an evergreen climber and you can't beat the fragrance on a hot summer's evening."
Catch up with the rest of Clive's chat in the Scotland Grows Show
"I absolutely love lavender as a plant, it's so uplifting because it's just reminiscent of summer days. It smells incredible, and for me, gardening is not just about what things look like, it’s what they smell like. I pick it, bring it in, and it just smells incredible. I add lavender to my kombucha.
"I do realise that sometimes it's a bit damp and a bit wet here, and it doesn't do so well but I usually have lavender in tubs because I just love it, it’s such a beautiful plant. I also love the fact that when the flowers come up, the bees love it, that buzzing and the connection with the bees and nature, I do love lavender.
"Another one I do absolutely love is nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) as it comes in all so many amazing colours and you get variegated ones and you get plain ones. They literally grow anywhere, you don't have to do anything, and they're so bright and vibrant and beautiful. You can trail them, you can you can have them growing up, you can eat the leaves, you can eat the flowers, you can pickle the seeds, and it self seeds everywhere.
"You can use the flowers in pesto as well, they’re actually quite spicy and they look absolutely beautiful on the plate. One year I did have quite big nasturtium leaves and I thought I'd be very fancy so I used the nasturtium leaf as a plate, and it was quite cool because you can just eat the plate, no washing up, so that ticks all the boxes.
"The other incredible thing about nasturtium is big nasturtium leaves are actually antimicrobial, so they're incredible for using as a little lid to top your ferments in the summer. So if you grow nasturtium then you've got another thing that's fantastic for fermenting.
"I absolutely love hellebores. I have a gorgeous one in the garden and it's the most beautiful flower, I could look at it hours. It is gorgeous, and it comes up at a time where other things are not flowering. And I do think the lovely thing about garden is the seasonality, where there's always something lovely to look at.
"I also do love azaleas and have many planted in the rockery. They do really well here because they like acidic soil and the colours are just beautiful and it's heralding the spring."
Catch up with the rest of Janice's chat in the Scotland Grows Show.
"I never liked roses but I'm such a rose convert now. I would have roses in my garden because of scent and structure. I never picked them for bouquets, though, I just like looking at them in the garden. The other one which I love because of its floatiness is scabious. I've got the roses for the scent, scabious for a better texture because you get the seed heads, which are great in a bouquet.
"And then I would definitely have herbs, because they smell and you can eat them. There's so many herbs I use in my bouquets, and the one that stood out this year that I would recommend as a cut flower is the blackcurrant sage (Salvia microphylla var. microphylla). It's amazing, with such a gorgeous magenta pink flower when it flowers, but it just smells of blackcurrant.
"The other one I always have to sneak in would be Mexian fleabane (Erigeron karvinskianus). I fell in love with Mexican flea bane last year, it is just stunning."
Catch up with the rest of Kim's chat in the Scotland Grows Show.
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