I could lament with you on the lack of heat and sunshine and what that has meant for our growing season but as with all things, we must look forward (with fingers crossed for hopes of an Indian summer), to all that our late summer season brings. I’m thinking of butterflies on buddleja bushes, head-turning heleniums, the joy of dinner plate sized dahlias, and lots more gorgeous, seasonal flowering recommendations in this issue from Rona Dodds.
This time of year sees our harvests ripening and Janice Clyne and Eli Appleby-Donald bring you some truly tasty recipes for using those hard-grown tomatoes and peppers, whilst Dina Watt offers some berry delicious ideas.
Scotland’s unique climate has presented growing challenges for us this year but did you know we have been known to grow pineapples here? We reflect on the history of that, and offer suggestions of 13 very special walled gardens to visit right now when they are at their glorious best, and if you fancy trying your hand at some topiary in your own garden after an inspirational visit, Katie Reynolds offers her usual sound garden design advice. You can also hear about about some special Highland gardens to visit on the new series of the ‘Scotland Grows Show’.
More practical advice is offered from Katrina Gelderbloem on reusing old pallets in the garden, we hear from the National Trust of Scotland on sustainable practices that they are trialling, and we give you the know-how to take softwood cuttings in the garden at this time of year to give you an abundance of plants for next year, for free.
And we hear from 4 gardens which did want to relocate to Scotland, even if we have misplaced summer this year, from RHS Chelsea, and we are delighted to have them here to enhance some very special places with their planting. You can hear from one of the garden designers from the National Autistic Society garden on our podcast too, and find out more about the challenges of moving a garden from RHS Chelsea to Ayrshire.
And if that Indian summer does not materialise, Jordan Trainer offers his pick of houseplants which will do well in a cold, dark, drafty tenement close - the story of this summer really!
We hope you find Scotland Grows, Issue 25, informative and inspirational!
M.T. O’Donnell
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