Decorative images that convey no information will be tagged within PageRaft as artifacts so that screen readers will ignore them rather than attempt to voice information about an image that contains no content.
Please provide a document or spreadsheet labeled, “Decorative images,” listing all decorative images that appear within your content, identifying each image by its file name. Mark those you wish to use in PageRaft as “decorative”, and those that do not need to appear in PageRaft as “remove”.
Download an example of a Decorative Image spreadsheet by clicking here.
Photographs and illustrations that support the surrounding content with visual appeal, but which do not have complex information to convey will need to have a small amount of descriptive text, known as “alt text”. (No more than 250 characters of text.) This text will be used to identify the image and enable assistive technologies to incorporate it into the flow of the content. This is not a caption. Image captions should be incorporated into the main text content, identified as captions, and displayed along with their images. Alt text is intended to briefly describe the visual nature of the image itself.
Please provide a document or spreadsheet labeled, “Simple images,” listing all such images that appear within your content, identifying each image by its file name. Pair each image in the list with a brief piece of alt text (fewer than 250 characters) describing the appearance of image.
Download an example of a Simple Images spreadsheet by clicking here.
Complex images should be adequately described within the caption or surrounding text. When images are not sufficiently described in this way, please provide an additional description. It is best to include this description directly within the body copy. Within PageRaft we will ensure that the image and descriptive text are positioned adjacently. If an image is used as a link, provide text to convey the title or function of the link.
A major, but sometimes overlooked example of this is a publication’s cover image. Covers are generally kept intact as single images in order to maintain their branded design, however, descriptive text can be provided along with your cover in order to make it more accessible. Advertisements can fall into this category as well should you wish to make those more accessible. Any long-form descriptive text provided for a full page image would need to appear below the image in a scrolling format.
Please provide a five column spreadsheet labeled, “Complex images,” listing all of these types of images that appear within your content.
Download an example of a Complex Images spreadsheet by clicking here.
Note: Not every image in the document will necessarily use all five columns of information. Some complex images will not be linked. Some icons or button images with a link will need alt text to describe their appearance and the purpose of the link, but these do not need a long description.