There’s a special kind of magic that happens when a young person picks up a golf club for the first time. It’s the quiet determination in their stance, the burst of joy when they make contact with the ball, and the way the game teaches lessons that extend far beyond the green. This year, the Colorado Golf Foundation has been part of countless stories like this, where golf became a vehicle for growth, connection, and opportunity.
For many kids, 2024 was the year they swung their first club, made their first putt, and learned their first lessons about patience and perseverance. One young participant, let’s call him Brandon, joined his school’s after-school program, unsure if golf was his thing. With a book in one hand and a golf club in the other, Brandon found himself thriving in a program that paired reading with outdoor play. By the end of the year, he wasn’t just improving his reading level—he was hitting targets on the course and surprising himself with what he could achieve. He’s got the golf bug, and he will have it for life.
Brandon’s story is just one of thousands. Thanks to our grants, schools and community organizations have been able to turn golf courses into classrooms and playgrounds into practice grounds. For kids like Brandon, these programs are more than just activities; they’re a chance to discover their strengths.
One of the most rewarding aspects of this year has been watching kids discover new pathways through golf. For some, it’s the chance to earn a scholarship. For others, it’s about finding a safe space to belong and grow. Through our support of caddie and high school leadership programs, countless youth have taken their first steps toward responsibility, mentorship, and even higher education opportunities like the Evans Scholarship.
As one young caddie put it, “I never thought I’d get to spend my summer outside learning and meeting people who believe in me. This program gave me more than a job—it gave me a future.”
At the heart of everything we do is the belief that golf is for everyone. This year, we worked with partners across the state to serve thousands of youth from all walks of life. Whether they were learning to chip a ball over an obstacle, practicing focus on the putting green, or simply finding a sense of belonging on the course, these kids reminded us why this work matters.