Digital Dealer Commentary
D I G I T A L D E A L E R | Tampa 2023
Introducing Hosted Dealer
S A L E S | Phone
Steps to Get Your Sales Groove Back
S A L E S | F&I
How Understanding Consumer Preferences Can Help Dealers Mitigate F&I Losses in 2023
By Tim Blochowiak, Vice President of Automotive Sales, Protective Asset Protection
S A L E S | Fixed Ops
Enhancing the Customer Experience: Be Nice!
By Charlie Polston, Automotive Customer Retention and Profitability Consultant, BG Products, Inc.
S A L E S | Retailing
What to Expect in the Car Market in 2023?
By Sean Toussi, CEO & Co-Founder,
M A R K E T I N G | Social Media
How Your Team Can Sell Cars with the #1 Social Media Platform: TikTok
By Tianna Mick, Business Development & Industry Relations, Dealer Synergy
Interview with Erin Williamson of Hgreg
10 More Questions to Ask When Hiring a Social Media Manager
By Kathi Kruse, Founder, Kruse Control Inc.
D E A L E R O P S | Spend Management
Eliminate the Biggest Cash Drain in Your Organization
By Doug Austin, Founder and CEO, StrategicSource, Inc. and ExpenseEdge
D E A L E R O P S | Disruptors
Disrupting the Disruptors
By James A. Ziegler, CSP, HSG, "The Alpha Dawg"
D E A L E R O P S | Succession Planning
Growth Strategies for the Family Business
By Kendall Rawls, Director of Development, The Rawls Group