Entrepreneur (Combi Taco LLC), speaker and DACA recipient, Alejandro Flores-Muñoz, has partnered with Denver Human Services to provide over 60,000 meals to migrants. He also serves on the Governor’s Minority Business Council and chairs the Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR) Action Fund.
Educator, psychologist, and community leader, Lori Huertas is known for her work in literacy and early childhood education. She is the Director of Program Impact at the Family Resource Center and a Program Director for the Military Reading Marketing Initiative. Lori also volunteers her time to the Denver Public Library, Denver Botanic Gardens, and Rocky Mountain PBS.
John Perez helps families break cycles of trauma and reclaim cultural identities as the Project Manager at Denver Healing Generations and Juvenile Diversion Officer with the Denver Public Safety Youth Program. He is a certified Wisdom Keeper/Healer with 27+ years of experience authentically mentoring and connecting youth with ancestral teaching.
Author, musician, activist, and traditional healer, D. Atekpatzin Young, founded Calmecaztlán as a school for indigenous traditional teachings and holds annual summer camps for youth. He has also presented at numerous universities and conferences and has received several awards for his contributions to the Indigenous, Queer, and HIV-positive communities.
As President and CEO of Servicios de La Raza, Rudy Gonzales, has championed causes for the Chicano/Latino communities making Servicios de La Raza the largest provider of health and human services for Latinos in Colorado. Under his leadership, Servicios de La Raza has expanded its services in job training, mental health awareness, and health coverage.
For more information, please visit denverlibrary.org/latino-awards