October 9 is Ageism Awareness Day, which draws attention to ageism’s impact on our society. While the American Society on Aging (ASA), the sponsor organization, has been around since the 1950s, we still need to learn more about ageism–especially in today’s aging society. Using the library’s resources, see if you can find some analysis of the issue.
Hint: You can use the CQ Researcher database with your library card to search for unbiased coverage of the current events and issues. On the site, go to Research, Databases A-Z, C, and then CQ Researcher . Search for the term: Ageism and see what you can find.
This October marks TeenTober, a nationwide celebration hosted by libraries and aimed at celebrating teens, promoting year-round teen services, and helping teens learn new skills. TeenTober combines Teen Read Week and Teen Tech Week into a new opportunity to advocate for teen services. Using the library’s events calendar, see if you can find some activities for Teens.
Hint: You can see all the programming events at the Library–in-person and virtual–by going to the Events tab on our homepage. Once there, try selecting “Teens” on the left column Age Group filter.
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