To me, the best part of hunting season is being able to fill my freezer with delicious wild game. I have always enjoyed cooking. It has always been a way for me to relax and found it to be therapeutic. It is always a pleasure to entertain and to be able to prepare various wild game for friends and family.
When I am interested in trying a new recipe that I have not made before, I usually call my friend Nader Gerbin, the owner of Bravo Nader Restaurant in Huntington, NY. Not only is he a talented and accomplished chef, but he has a unique passion for preparing wild game fare. According to Nader, Food should not only taste good, it has to look good as well. So here is the latest recipe that Nader had passed on to me.
Pre heat your oven 400 degrees.
Mix ingredients in a bowl. Coat the loin with a tablespoon of olive oil. Pour ingredients liberally over the loin and firmly press it onto the loin chop.
Preheat a cast-iron pan with grape seed oil. When the pan begins to smoke, put the loin in the pan for two minutes and then flip it over for two minutes. Be sure not to burn the breadcrumbs. Then put the loin onto a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes.
When you take the loin out of the oven, cover it with foil and let it sit.
In a separate sauce pan
Slice Loin Chop and serve over Mashed Potato. Strain Sauce over the loin chop and serve.
For more great recipes you can follow Bravo Nader on Facebook or go to his website