Michigan State University » One of the world’s top research universities, MSU offers opportunities to work on projects like reimagining the power grid. The graduate school excels in STEM fields as well as social behavioral sciences, including economics, sustainability, agricultural management, and psychology. msu.edu
Microsoft » The company believes that continuous innovation in technology is tied to a highly skilled diverse workforce. The Microsoft mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. microsoft.com
Morehouse College and Project Imhotep » A selective HBCU in Atlanta, Morehouse is addressing disparities in the public health workforce through Project Imhotep and PHLFP, rigorous summer programs designed to prepare underrepresented students for careers in public health. morehouse.edu/phsi/phlfp
NAFOA » Founded over three decades ago as the Native American Finance Officers Association, NAFOA convenes tribal leadership, experienced professionals, and economic partners to meet the challenges of economic growth and change. nafoa.org
NASA » The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an independent federal agency responsible for the civilian space program as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. nasa.gov
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory » JPL has played a large part in the Space Age, and its collected data allows scientists around the world to explore the world and the galaxy. jpl.nasa.gov
NASA STEM Engagement and Educator Professional Development Collaborative » Educator Professional Development helps K–12 teachers integrate the work of NASA in curriculums, while STEM Engagement provides experiential learning that engages the public in NASA missions. nasa.gov
NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium » Part of a national network of NASA-funded research and education projects, the WSGC promotes the excitement and vision of aerospace science with an annual aviation design competition. spacegrant.carthage.edu/about/mission
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine » The Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s colleges and universities through its fellowship programs, administered by the Academies. These fellowships provide support at the pre-doctoral and doctoral levels. nas.edu/ford
National GEM Consortium » GEM is a network of leading corporations, government laboratories, top universities, and top research institutions that enables qualified students from underrepresented communities to pursue graduate education in STEM through fellowships, internships, and programs. gemfellowship.org
National Grid » This electricity and natural gas delivery company supplies energy for more than 20 million people in the northeastern United States. nationalgrid.com
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases » NIAID conducts and supports research to better understand, treat, and ultimately prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases. niaid.nih.gov
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases » Part of the National Institutes of Health, NIAMS trains scientists and clinicians, conducts research on these diseases, and disseminates information. naims.nih.gov
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases » Research on the many chronic and costly endocrine and digestive diseases is the focus of scientists at the NIDDK, part of NIH. niddk.nih.gov
National Institute of Standards and Technology » Part of the Department of Commerce, NIST promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology. nist.gov
National Institutes of Health » NIH invests more than $39 billion annually in research that seeks to improve health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability. nih.gov
National Institutes of Health/Office of Intramural Training and Education » The OITE enhances the training experience of students and fellows on NIH campuses and helps trainees in the Intramural Research Program (IRP) develop scientific and professional skills that will enable them to become leaders in the biomedical research community. training.nih.gov
National Renewable Energy Laboratory » The only federal facility focusing on development of efficient energy sources and technologies, the NREL is looking to change the way the country and the world use energy. nrel.gov
National Research Mentoring Network » The National Research Mentoring Network supports advancement at every career stage of research in the biomedical sciences through mentorship and professional development programs. nrmnet.net
National Science Foundation » NSF is the funding source for about 24 percent of the basic research conducted by U.S. universities and colleges. nsf.gov
National Security Agency » NSA delivers critical strategic and tactical information for national defense and provides timely information to the nation’s decision makers. nsa.gov
Native American Center for Health Professions » As part of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, the Native American Center for Health Professions works to improve health for all Indigenous people by recruiting and retaining Native students and faculty, enhancing educational opportunities, improving the educational experience, and growing Native health academic programs in the classroom and the lab. med.wisc.edu/native-american-center-for-health-professions
Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS) » The NRCS helps research and provide technologies to farmers that benefit both the environment and agricultural productivity: “helping people help the land.†nrcs.usda.gov
Navajo Transitional Energy Company » Wholly owned by the Navajo Nation, NTEC has been authorized to operate the BHP Navajo Mine and develop opportunities in renewable and sustainable energy resources. navajo-tec.com
New Mexico Tech » NMT integrates education, research, public service, and economic development in STEM, natural resources, and cultural awareness. nmt.edu
NextEra Energy » North America’s top producer of wind and solar power and storage energy solutions, NextEra Energy operates emissions-free nuclear power generation facilities. NextEra is one of the most diverse employers in the energy sector, ranking 10 worldwide for innovation, social responsibility, and prudent use of corporate assets. nexteraenergy.com
Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University » At the Nicholas School, which offers master’s degrees in forestry and environmental management (also online), worldclass researchers are dedicated to training a new, science-based, environmentally informed generation. nicholas.duke.edu
NIKE » This global sports apparel company recruits STEM professionals in technology, engineering, design, digital applications, and other fields. nike.com
NOAA/Oceanic and Atmospheric Research » OAR provides the foundation for understanding the complex systems that support our planet in order to better manage the environment. oar.noaa.gov
North Carolina State University College of Engineering » Undergraduates and master’s and doctoral students benefit from NC State’s commitment to supporting innovation and research. The goal of the school’s Women and Minority Engineering Program is to increase the number of women and underrepresented students. engr.ncsu.edu
Northeastern University » This research university offers undergraduate and graduate programs through the doctorate in nine colleges and schools, with more than 30 federally funded research centers. northeastern.edu
Northwestern University » Northwestern was recognized by U.S. News and World Report as the number 12 national university. It offers world-renowned research labs and 12 schools and colleges. northwestern.edu
Northwestern University Master of Science in Law » Northwestern’s unique MSL curriculum centers on the intersection of law, business, and technology, with specific focus areas in business law and entrepreneurship, intellectual property and patent design, and regulatory analysis and strategy. law.northwestern.edu