Greenfire Management Services » Wholly owned by Potawatomi Business Development Corporation, this innovative construction firm provides a range of services from conceptual planning through completion.
Harvard University Native American Program (HUNAP) » The HUNAP brings together Native Harvard students and members of the wider community to advance the well-being of Indigenous peoples through self-determination, academic achievement, and community service.
Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health » This community of leading scientists, educators, and students works to change individual behaviors, public policies, and health care practices. Their research into public health disciplines has informed health practices around the world, such as the People’s Republic of China, Cyprus, and Poland.
Haskell Environmental Research Studies » The HERS Institute is an eight-week paid summer internship program focused on climate change research and based in Haskell Indian Nations University and the University of Kansas.
Higher Education Recruitment Consortium » The HERC helps job-seekers find the right fit in higher education and helps institutions recruit a talented, diverse faculty.
IBM » Operating in 170 countries, IBM develops software and systems hardware while building systems for efficient organizations and healthier populations. At IBM individual input is valued to help shape a range of exciting projects, from small process improvements to Nobel Prize–winning ideas.
Idaho National Laboratory » INL was the first to power an American community with nuclear-generated electricity. As the nation’s leading center for nuclear energy research and development, all 3,900 employees at INL work to develop and sustain nuclear energy technologies, protect critical infrastructure, and support national defense and homeland security.
Indian Affairs Division of Energy and Mineral Development » Division geologists, engineers, and other specialists at this federal agency work with tribes to benefit their economy, protect their resources, and promote environmentally sound energy development.
Indian Health Service » A federal program for American Indians and Alaska Natives, the IHS operates a comprehensive health care delivery organization. The IHS Sanitation Facilities Construction Program is responsible for delivering environmental engineering services and sanitation facilities to Native communities.
The Indian University of North America » The Indian University of North America accepts highly motivated high school graduates for the eight-week Summer Program at Crazy Horse in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Participants benefit from an internship, college prep advising, cultural-educational activities, access to scholarships, and earn 12 college credits.
Indiana University Graduate School » With more than 200 research centers and institutes, this public university is a leader in graduate education.
Indigenous Education Inc., Home of the Cobell Scholarship » The Cobell Scholarship, administered by Indigenous Education, Inc., provides assistance to Indigenous students for post-secondary education and training. Both merit-based and need-based, the competitive Cobell Scholarship is annual, nonrenewable, and available to students who are enrolled members of a federally recognized tribe and enrolled in full-time study.
Intel Corporation » Since introducing the first microprocessor in 1971, Intel Corporation has been expanding the reach of computing by creating smart, connected devices. Intel Corporation’s innovation in cloud computing, data center, Internet of Things, and PC solutions is powering the connected digital world we live in.
Intertribal Timber Council » A nationwide association of tribes, Alaska Native corporations, and individuals, the ITC improves the management of resources important to Native communities.
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation » Dedicated to advancing the education of exceptionally promising students in financial need, the foundation has awarded millions of dollars in scholarships and grants.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory » JPL has played a large part in the Space Age, and its collected data allows scientists around the world to explore the world and the galaxy.
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health » From helping eradicate smallpox to researching the biology of aging, this school is always searching for answers to the most important health questions.
Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean » JISAO fosters research collaboration between the University of Washington and NOAA. Their work is at the forefront of investigations on climate change, ocean acidification, fisheries assessments, and tsunami forecasting.
Jopwell » This career advancement platform for underrepresented students and professionals assists companies with recruiting, marketing, and retention.
Kettering University » This nationally ranked, Chicago-based school focuses on experiential learning in STEM disciplines, including six programs in engineering.
Koniag Government Services » An Alaska Native Corporation, Koniag provides products and services to federal, state, and local governments, health care providers, and higher education institutions nationwide.
Langdale Center for Forest Business, University of Georgia » The Center for Forest Business offers a master of forest resources degree in forest business management and conducts pioneering academic research.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory » Livermore’s defining responsibility is ensuring the safety, security, and reliability of the nation’s nuclear deterrent, and its work is applied to counterterrorism and nonproliferation, defense and intelligence, and energy and environmental security.
LEIDOS » Based in Virginia, this global company is a leader in defense and intelligence, health, technology solutions for civil agencies and commercial markets, and advanced solutions for its customers.
Los Alamos National Laboratory » Los Alamos scientists ensure the safety, security, and reliability of the U.S. nuclear deterrent with research that is leading to advances in medicine, clean energy, computing, and earth sciences.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology » MIT offers a diverse campus community devoted to research, innovation, and creative thinking. MIT graduate education is committed to providing students with rigorous studies, the excitement of discovery, and intellectual stimulation.
Mayo Clinic » The Mayo Clinic College of Medicine trains medical and biomedical research professionals using a curriculum closely aligned with Mayo Clinic’s premier clinical practice. Part of a national initiative, the clinic’s Spirit of EAGLES program targets specific cancers in Native American communities.
McGill University » One of Canada’s top medical-doctoral universities, McGill is one of the most internationally diverse of any research-intensive university in the country.
Medical College of Wisconsin » With campuses in Milwaukee and Green Bay, this private medical school also offers graduate programs in the sciences.
Medtronic » The nearly 90,000 scientists, engineers, and other employees at this global company produce innovative medical devices and solutions for patients worldwide.
Merck » This global biopharmaceutical company focuses on research in health and pharmaceuticals, including areas that benefit underserved populations. The company remains at the forefront of research that advances the prevention and treatment of diseases that threaten people around the world.