Indigenous population: 5.6%
Type: Public Setting: City
Difficulty: Selective
Enrollment: 13,796
Degrees: B/M/D
Top majors: Busns, Eng, Health
# applications: 5,599
% accepted: 93%
SAT: 587/593 ACT: 24
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $9,619
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $13,757
Room & Board: $8,878
# dorm rooms on campus: 5,563
% receiving financial aid: 62%
Avg. award per student: $5,149
Full-time faculty: 555
Indigenous faculty: 4
Student-faculty ratio: 19: 1
# bac. degrees: 2,405
6-year graduation rate: 58%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 32%
% women: 47% % part-time: 18%
# degrees awarded: 17.5
% earning degree: 0.6%
6-year graduation rate: 30%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 27%
# undergrad students: 79
% of all undergrads: 0.7%
# full-time undergrad students: 69
% of all full-time undergrads: 0.7%
# grad. students: 27
% of all grad. students: 1.1%
Prog. for Indigenous students: NA Fac, AI Hlth, Nurse, AI Studies, AI Bus Ldrs, AISES, NA Ctr-Fargo
Type: Tribal Setting: Rural
Difficulty: Inclusive
Enrollment: 198
Degrees: A/B
Top majors: Eth/Cult
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $3,870
Room & Board: $2,800
# dorm rooms on campus: 3
% receiving financial aid: 57%
Avg. award per student: $7,833
Full-time faculty: 23
Indigenous faculty: 11
Student-faculty ratio: 6: 1
# bac. degrees: –
6-year graduation rate: –
% earning STEM bac. degree: –
% women: 67% % part-time: 36%
# degrees awarded: 18.5
% earning degree: 83.5%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 0%
# undergrad students: 162
% of all undergrads: 81.8%
# full-time undergrad students: 105
% of all full-time undergrads: 84.0%
# grad. students: –
% of all grad. students: –
Prog. for Indigenous students: AI Bus Ldrs, AISES, AIBL, Tribal Coll, All Chiefs Soc.
Enrollment: 273 Degrees: A/B/M
Top majors: Educ
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $4,010
Room & Board: $5,546
# dorm rooms on campus: 62
% receiving financial aid: 97%
Avg. award per student: $9,168
Full-time faculty: 28
Indigenous faculty: 7
Student-faculty ratio: 7: 1
% earning STEM bac. degree: 21%
% women: 66% % part-time: 18%
# degrees awarded: 47.2
% earning degree: 91.0%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 23%
# undergrad students: 238
% of all undergrads: 91.5%
# full-time undergrad students: 210
% of all full-time undergrads: 93.8%
# grad. students: 9
% of all grad. students: 69.2%
Prog. for Indigenous students: Tribal Coll., AISES, AI Bus Ldrs
Enrollment: 573 Degrees: A/B
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $2,250
# dorm rooms on campus: –
% receiving financial aid: 94%
Avg. award per student: $5,966
Full-time faculty: 44
Indigenous faculty: 27
Student-faculty ratio: 10: 1
# bac. degrees: 5
6-year graduation rate: 20%
% women: 58% % part-time: 16%
# degrees awarded: 161.3
% earning degree: 96.3%
6-year graduation rate: 25%
# undergrad students: 551
% of all undergrads: 96.2%
# full-time undergrad students: 462
% of all full-time undergrads: 96.5%
Prog. for Indigenous students: NA Fac, NA Studies, Tribal Coll,. AISES
Type: Tribal Setting: Suburb
Enrollment: 429
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $4,252
Room & Board: $5,100
# dorm rooms on campus: 1,042
% receiving financial aid: 99%
Avg. award per student: $8,169
Full-time faculty: 37
Indigenous faculty: 6
Student-faculty ratio: 9: 1
% earning STEM bac. degree: 8% % women: 64% % part-time: 14%
# degrees awarded: 69.8
% earning degree: 84.6%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 8%
# undergrad students: 391
% of all undergrads: 91.1%
# full-time undergrad students: 351
% of all full-time undergrads: 94.9%
Prog. for Indigenous students: NA Tuition Waivers, NA Courses, Tribal Arts, 45 Tribes represented, AISES, AIBL, Tribal Coll, Thunder Society
Type: Private Setting: Rural
Religion: RC
Enrollment: 3,796
Degrees: B/M
Top majors: Health, Busns, Educ
# applications: 1,303
% accepted: 78%
SAT: 591/569 ACT: 23
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $19,074
Room & Board: $8,330
# dorm rooms on campus: 1,290
% receiving financial aid: 98%
Avg. award per student: $11,317
Full-time faculty: 160
Indigenous faculty: 1
Student-faculty ratio: 14: 1
# bac. degrees: 401
6-year graduation rate: 55%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 7%
% women: 62% % part-time: 32%
# degrees awarded: 11.5
% earning degree: 1.4%
# undergrad students: 45
% of all undergrads: 1.8%
# full-time undergrad students: 29
% of all full-time undergrads: 1.6%
# grad. students: 56
% of all grad. students: 4.4%
Prog. for Indigenous students: NA [Grad] Scholars
Enrollment: 13,847
# applications: 5,021
% accepted: 82%
SAT: 540/565 ACT: 24
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $9,736
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $15,895
Room & Board: $9,544
# dorm rooms on campus: 6,062
% receiving financial aid: 71%
Avg. award per student: $4,523
Full-time faculty: 672
Student-faculty ratio: 18: 1
# bac. degrees: 2,333
% earning STEM bac. degree: 29%
% women: 48% % part-time: 28%
# degrees awarded: 50.3
% earning degree: 1.5%
6-year graduation rate: 23%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 12%
# undergrad students: 132
% of all undergrads: 1.3%
# full-time undergrad students: 95
% of all full-time undergrads: 1.2%
# grad. students: 76
% of all grad. students: 2.3%
Prog. for Indigenous students: Cultural Division, Tuition Waivers, AI’s in Med, Eng, Geol, Law, Nursing, Aging, AI Stu Svcs, AISES, AIBL
Indigenous population: 0.3%
Difficulty: More Sel.
Enrollment: 61,170
Degrees: A/B/M/D
# applications: 48,077
% accepted: 52%
SAT: 640/705 ACT: 30
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $11,084
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $32,061
Room & Board: $12,748
# dorm rooms on campus: 15,526
% receiving financial aid: 74%
Avg. award per student: $10,273
Full-time faculty: 4,036
# bac. degrees: 7,204
6-year graduation rate: 84%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 31%
% women: 50% % part-time: 13%
# degrees awarded: 19.8
% earning degree: 0.1%
6-year graduation rate: 76%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 33%
# undergrad students: 70
% of all undergrads: 0.1%
# full-time undergrad students: 60
% of all full-time undergrads: 0.1%
# grad. students: 18
% of all grad. students: 0.1%
Prog. for Indigenous students: AISES
Indigenous population: 9.6%
Type: Private Setting: Town
Religion: AmBap
Enrollment: 271
Top majors: Parks, Busns, Educ
# applications: 761
% accepted: 15%
SAT: 438/420 ACT: 17
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $14,700
Room & Board: $8,600
# dorm rooms on campus: 457
% receiving financial aid: 90%
Avg. award per student: $11,356
Full-time faculty: 16
# bac. degrees: 158
6-year graduation rate: 11%
% women: 42% % part-time: 10%
# degrees awarded: 31.5
% earning degree: 28.8%
6-year graduation rate: 15%
# undergrad students: 94
% of all undergrads: 34.7%
# full-time undergrad students: 79
% of all full-time undergrads: 32.5%
% of all grad. students:
Prog. for Indigenous students: AI Fac, AI Studies, AI Ctr, AI Dorm, AISES, Blue Deer Org, Pow-Wow
Enrollment: 4,290
Degrees: A/B/M
Top majors: Busns, Educ, CompSci
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $6,450
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $15,870
Room & Board: $5,452
# dorm rooms on campus: 676
% receiving financial aid: 77%
Avg. award per student: $6,750
Full-time faculty: 135
# bac. degrees: 493
% women: 62% % part-time: 33%
# degrees awarded: 41.0
% earning degree: 5.1%
6-year graduation rate: 21%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 15%
# undergrad students: 253
% of all undergrads: 6.4%
# full-time undergrad students: 171
% of all full-time undergrads: 6.3%
# grad. students: 16
% of all grad. students: 4.6%
Type: Public Setting: Town
Enrollment: 3,576
Top majors: Busns, Health, Parks
# applications: 812
% accepted: 83%
SAT: 515/505 ACT: 21
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $7,052
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $16,412
Room & Board: $6,848
# dorm rooms on campus: 1,320
% receiving financial aid: 76%
Avg. award per student: $5,618
Full-time faculty: 138
# bac. degrees: 603
6-year graduation rate: 35%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 20%
% women: 61% % part-time: 25%
# degrees awarded: 125.2
% earning degree: 13.3%
6-year graduation rate: 32%
# undergrad students: 395
% of all undergrads: 13.4%
# full-time undergrad students: 305
% of all full-time undergrads: 12.7%
# grad. students: 74
% of all grad. students: 11.7%
Prog. for Indigenous students: NA Student Org.
Enrollment: 7,879
Top majors: Busns, Health, Educ
# applications: 1,787
% accepted: 98%
SAT: 495/526 ACT: 21
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $6,915
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $15,315
Room & Board: $8,074
# dorm rooms on campus: 1,410
% receiving financial aid: 91%
Avg. award per student: $7,019
Full-time faculty: 289
Indigenous faculty: 23
# bac. degrees: 883
% earning STEM bac. degree: 25%
% women: 63% % part-time: 34%
# degrees awarded: 298.7
% earning degree: 16.9%
6-year graduation rate: 31%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 16%
# undergrad students: 1,224
% of all undergrads: 18.2%
# full-time undergrad students: 865
% of all full-time undergrads: 18.7%
# grad. students: 152
% of all grad. students: 13.0%
Prog. for Indigenous students: Tribal Waiver O’o’State, Cherokee Lang/Cult Ctr, Tribal Studies, AI’s in: Med., LawEnf, Lang., NA Counc., Suppt. Ctr, AISES, AIBL, NASA
Enrollment: 1,992
Top majors: Busns, Parks, Health
# applications: 1,170
% accepted: 62%
SAT: 565/570 ACT: 20
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $7,666
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $14,783
Room & Board: $4,980
# dorm rooms on campus: 886
% receiving financial aid: 75%
Avg. award per student: $6,289
Full-time faculty: 90
Student-faculty ratio: 15: 1
# bac. degrees: 381
% earning STEM bac. degree: 13%
% women: 61% % part-time: 24%
# degrees awarded: 22.7
% earning degree: 6.0%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 6%
# undergrad students: 137
% of all undergrads: 7.7%
# full-time undergrad students: 114
% of all full-time undergrads: 8.0%
# grad. students: 19
% of all grad. students: 8.7%
Enrollment: 24,690
Top majors: Busns, Eng, Agric
# applications: 14,405
% accepted: 74%
SAT: 590/580 ACT: 25
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $9,028
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $24,539
Room & Board: $9,106
# dorm rooms on campus: 6,390
% receiving financial aid: 82%
Avg. award per student: $9,878
Full-time faculty: 1,230
Indigenous faculty: 22
# bac. degrees: 4,151
6-year graduation rate: 61%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 35%
% women: 50% % part-time: 21%
# degrees awarded: 233.0
% earning degree: 4.0%
6-year graduation rate: 54%
# undergrad students: 909
% of all undergrads: 4.4%
# full-time undergrad students: 755
% of all full-time undergrads: 4.3%
# grad. students: 118
% of all grad. students: 2.9%
Prog. for Indigenous students: NA Scholarship,NA Sci, NA Med. Track, NA in Biol.Sci, NA Fac, AISES, NASA, Alpha Pi Omega
Enrollment: 3,633
Top majors: Busns, BiolSci, SocSci
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $7,470
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $15,810
Room & Board: $8,975
# dorm rooms on campus: 825
% receiving financial aid: 95%
Avg. award per student: $5,281
Full-time faculty: 101
Indigenous faculty: 8
# bac. degrees: 231
6-year graduation rate: 36%
% women: 60% % part-time: 38%
# degrees awarded: 67.5
% earning degree: 10.8%
6-year graduation rate: 29%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 10%
# undergrad students: 545
% of all undergrads: 15.1%
# full-time undergrad students: 340
% of all full-time undergrads: 15.1%
# grad. students: 3
% of all grad. students: 11.5%
Enrollment: 4,542
Top majors: Busns, EngTech, LibArts
# applications: 1,207
% accepted: 75% ACT: 21
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $6,750
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $15,390
Room & Board: $5,990
# dorm rooms on campus: 725
Avg. award per student: $9,158
Full-time faculty: 114
Indigenous faculty: 5
Student-faculty ratio: 20: 1
# bac. degrees: 569
6-year graduation rate: 33%
% women: 55% % part-time: 37%
# degrees awarded: 157.5
% earning degree: 19.1%
# undergrad students: 416
% of all undergrads: 13.2%
# full-time undergrad students: 308
# grad. students: 153
% of all grad. students: 10.9%
Prog. for Indigenous students: NA Advisor, NA L’ship, NA-MBA, NA Studies, NA Council, NASA, NA Ctr.
Enrollment: 5,267
# applications: 2,505
% accepted: 92% ACT: 21
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $7,695
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $14,595
Room & Board: $6,030
# dorm rooms on campus: 1,370
% receiving financial aid: 86%
Avg. award per student: $7,704
Full-time faculty: 202
# bac. degrees: 761
6-year graduation rate: 42%
% women: 61% % part-time: 22%
# degrees awarded: 48.0
% earning degree: 4.1%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 3%
# undergrad students: 173
% of all undergrads: 3.9%
# full-time undergrad students: 138
% of all full-time undergrads: 3.8%
# grad. students: 40
% of all grad. students: 4.9%
Type: Public Setting: Suburb
Enrollment: 15,393
Top majors: Busns, Health, LibArts
# applications: 5,377
% accepted: 78% ACT: 22
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $7,753
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $18,640
Room & Board: $8,250
# dorm rooms on campus: 1,894
Avg. award per student: $7,170
Full-time faculty: 540
Indigenous faculty: 13
# bac. degrees: 1,865
% earning STEM bac. degree: 14%
% women: 60% % part-time: 31%
# degrees awarded: 127.2
% earning degree: 4.2%
6-year graduation rate: 34%
# undergrad students: 521
% of all undergrads: 3.8%
# full-time undergrad students: 389
% of all full-time undergrads: 3.9%
# grad. students: 62
% of all grad. students: 4.0%
Prog. for Indigenous students: NA Advisor, NA Courses
Enrollment: 28,564
Top majors: Busns, Eng, Com/Journ
# applications: 15,811
SAT: 625/620 ACT: 26
Tuit./Fees - Res.: $9,063
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $24,444
Room & Board: $10,994
# dorm rooms on campus: 7,390
% receiving financial aid: 88%
Avg. award per student: $10,131
Full-time faculty: 1,276
Indigenous faculty: 28
# bac. degrees: 4,058
6-year graduation rate: 67%
% women: 51% % part-time: 23%
# degrees awarded: 249.8
% earning degree: 3.9%
6-year graduation rate: 52%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 24%
# undergrad students: 845
# full-time undergrad students: 690
% of all full-time undergrads: 3.7%
# grad. students: 344
% of all grad. students: 5.4%
Prog. for Indigenous students: AI Schol’ships, F B Pipestem Sch., AI Studies, NA J’ism, Law, Health, 4-Langs’ Council Fire, AISES, AIBL, AISA
Type: Private Setting: City
Religion: Presb
Enrollment: 4,365
Top majors: Eng, Busns, PerfArt
# applications: 8,526
% accepted: 41%
SAT: 650/645 ACT: 29
Tuit./Fees - non-Res.: $42,188
Room & Board: $13,164
# dorm rooms on campus: 2,786
Avg. award per student: $32,367
Full-time faculty: 356
Indigenous faculty: 12
Student-faculty ratio: 11: 1
# bac. degrees: 796
6-year graduation rate: 74%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 48%
% women: 45% % part-time: 10%
# degrees awarded: 52.5
% earning degree: 4.5%
6-year graduation rate: 66%
% earning STEM bac. degree: 38%
# undergrad students: 87
% of all undergrads: 2.7%
# full-time undergrad students: 83
% of all full-time undergrads: 2.6%
# grad. students: 71
% of all grad. students: 6.5%
Prog. for Indigenous students: Fine Arts, NA Advisor, NA Studies, NA Org.