The material has been drawn from various sources, including IPEDS, the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. IPEDS data is mostly from the 2017 academic year. Our thanks to DOE, IPEDS, and particularly Sam Barbett of IPEDS for his years of support.
Full name of college or university
Go here to find more information, to contact admissions, and to find out how to apply.
DIFFICULTY: Degree of difficulty
Religious denomination or affiliation; most do not require any religious courses, attendance at services, or other commitment, but please be sure to consult with the college for specific information; see list below for key abbreviations
AmBap American Baptist
Baptst Baptist
ChChrst Church of Christ
DChrst Disciples of Christ
EvChrst Evangelical Christian
LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Presb Presbyterian
RC Roman Catholic
SBap Southern Baptist
UMeth United Methodist
Wsly Wesleyan Church
Full time and part time (total)
Degrees available/awarded:
Agric Agriculture, Agriculture Operations
Anthro Anthropology
Aviation Aviation
BioMed Biomedicine
BiolSci Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Busns Business Mgmt.
Mark Marketing
CompSci Computer & Information Sci.
Const Construction Trades
ConsumrSci Family/Consumer/Human Science
CrimJ Criminal Justice
Econ Economics
Educ Education
Eng Engineering
EngTech Engineering Technologies
EnvSci Environmental Science
Gov’t Government
Health Health Professions
IntDisc Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies
Journ Communications, Journalism
LawEnf Homeland Sec., Law Enf., Firefighting
LibArts Liberal Arts
Science Humanities MEng Mechanical Engineering
Media Media, Advertising
NatRes Natural Resources & Conservation
Parks Parks/Rec.
Leisure/Fitness PerfArt Visual & Performing Arts
PhysSci Physical Sciences
Psych Psychology
PubAdmin Public Admin./Social Svcs.
ReligPhil Philosophy & Religious Studies
RelTheol Theology & Religious Vocations
SocSci Social Sciences
Technc Mechanic & Repair Technicians
Transp Transportation & Materials Moving
Number of applications received
% of applicants accepted
SAT scores — average of the 25th & 75th percentile scores for Verbal (Reading) and for Math
ACT score — average of the 25th & 75th percentile scores
Tuit./Fees - Res. (resident),
Estimated, on campus
Average financial aid award per student
FULL-TIME FACULTY Full-time instructional staff
Total baccalaureate degrees awarded in current year
% of all students who graduated with bac. degree within six years
% bac. degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics — to all graduates — from IPEDS data; see Note 1 at bottom of page
% of enrollment — female students
% of enrollment — part-time students
“Indigenous†below includes American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations, and other Indigenous peoples of North America; data derived from several files and the latest data from the Department of Education’s IPEDS database
Degrees to Indigenous students — weighted average of 2016, 2015, and 2014 (3, 2, 1)
% of Indigenous students graduating within six years
% bachelor’s degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math to Indigenous students
All Indigenous undergraduate students
Full-time undergraduate Indigenous students
All Indigenous graduate students
** The percentages below each number in this section are the percentages of Indigenous students in that category.
Information taken from prior data, websites, personal contacts, and returned Top 200 surveys. A special thank-you to all who returned the surveys. Please contact the Winds of Change editor at for a copy of the survey for the next issue.
» Not all support programs are listed. Check with individual colleges for more information.