To show its heartfelt concern during the coronavirus pandemic, FortisBC is sponsoring two heart-shaped “Healthy Hands Stations” in downtown Vancouver and four other hand-sanitation stations in Kelowna, one of British Columbia's busiest tourist destinations.
The brightly colored, heart-shaped stations in Vancouver hold dispensers that give patrons an easy way to keep hands germ-free while visiting downtown attractions. The British Columbia interior stations also showcase 10 safe-travel tips.
“It’s important for us to support communities, and we were looking for ways we could support small businesses who were struggling because of the COVID pandemic,” Darin Wong, community & Indigenous relations manager, FortisBC, told American Gas.
With that in mind, the utility reached out to the Downtown Vancouver Business Association because it represents a range of businesses and has strong connections to the community.
The Downtown Kelowna Association caught wind of the idea and developed a similar campaign with FortisBC’s support.
“Providing hand sanitizer was one of the ideas we came up with, and we’re really pleased with how both organizations executed on the idea,” Wong said. —Carolyn Kimmel