Since 2020, Trees for Life has led the charge for better protections for beavers in Scotland. Beavers are native to Scotland and a legally protected species, following their trial reintroduction more than a decade ago. They are incredibly industrious creatures, creating wetlands that benefit other wildlife, soak up carbon dioxide, purify water and reduce flooding. As we have seen in other places in Europe, particularly Germany, beavers can live in harmony with people, creating more lush and nature-rich habitats in urban and rural settings.
Working with rewilding partners and backed by our supporters, we have made significant progress with beavers over the last couple of years. Our public petition, presentations to the Scottish Government's Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee, and Judicial Review have all aided the beaver's cause - and brought the previous status quo, which included heavy use of lethal control licences, under public and legal scrutiny.
In October, we received the verdict of our legal challenge to NatureScot's use of lethal control measures. In its Judicial Review, the Court of Session declared that NatureScot's issuing of licences for killing beavers had been illegal. All existing lethal control licences were quashed. In November, Lorna Slater MSP, the Scottish Greens Biodiversity Minister, announced that government policy towards beavers had significantly shifted. And as a result, beavers can now be translocated to suitable habitats anywhere in Scotland. The first of these translocations took place in December, releasing a beaver family to Argaty Red Kites, a working farm and raptor centre in Stirlingshire. Translocation is now being given preference to lethal control. And critically, Ms Slater also signalled that practical and financial support will be provided to help those who need to undertake beaver management.
This has all been a dramatic and hugely welcome change of direction. NatureScot has responded quickly to develop a National Beaver Strategy to establish the practical procedures needed to support responsible beaver translocations. This strategy is being developed with input from various groups interested in beaver management, including farmers, fishing organisations, communities and conservationists. Our CEO Steve Micklewright has been a prominent contributor to the process, which remains ongoing.
The detailed wording of the Beaver Strategy will be an important influence on what happens next. Above all else, we are clear that beaver translocations must proceed with a transparent and open approach to seeking views from all sides of the debate, particularly in communities where beavers might be arriving. There are genuine concerns about the effects beavers could have on some river habitats. These concerns need to be heard and respected just as much as those who are keen to see the positive impacts of beavers across more of our landscapes and ecosystems.
Given the lived experience of other countries, we are confident that co-existing with beavers is entirely possible in today's landscape. Doing so will bring far more benefits than it will costs. Thanks to the government's change in direction, we now have the opportunity to persuade others that this co-existence can work not just in theory, but also in practice.
Thank you to all the individuals who have supported our work to protect beavers.