ICOACHKIDS (ICK) is a Global Movement, and sub-committee of the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) that promotes sport policy, education and practice that PUTS KIDS FIRST. This includes providing development opportunities and advanced learning for those coaching children and young people.
Special Olympics will collaborate with ICK to offer inclusive sport training to youth while providing ICK with content and advice regarding adaptive sports for people with intellectual disabilities (ID). This partnership will benefit more than 8 million coaches worldwide and over 500,000 Special Olympics coaches in 190 countries.
ICOACHKIDS offers a number of resources and courses for coaches to educate themselves on a wide variety of topics they will come across in the world of coaching. You can explore the resources here: https://ICOACHKIDS.org/learn
To find out more about ICK, please scan the QR code below:
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