is a lighting control specialist, project manager, and team lead at Omnilumen Technical Products at Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. His expertise extends to programming, troubleshooting, and designing lighting control systems to create efficient and innovative lighting solutions. read
is an architectural lighting designer with a master’s degree in architectural engineering and a passion for illuminating spaces in ways that blend art, function, and engineering precision. She is an NCQLP-certified Lighting Professional as well as a Professional Member of IALD. read
is president of The Pompeo Group (, an executive recruiting firm in lighting, controls, electrical, and IoT. read
is the founder of the Calm Tech Institute, which provides a set of checklists for digital and physical product makers who wish to make their stuff more pleasant to use. read
2025Board of Directors
PRESIDENTWilson Dau, LC, LEED APSymmetry
PAST PRESIDENTBilly TubbTheatre Consultant
TREASURERJeremy Maxie, P.E., LC, RCDD, IAEI, BICSIRSA Engineering, Inc.
DIRECTORSCarla Bukalski, MBA, P.E., LC, LEED APReed Burkett Lighting Design
Amardeep Dugar, IALD, FISLE, FSLLLighting Research & Design
Tanya T. Hernandez, P.E., LCAcuity Brands Lighting
Scotty Hutto, P.E.SESCO Lighting
Jim Levy, LCUp-Light Electrical Engineering, Inc.
Kelly O’ConnorSourceBlue-Turner Construction
Ira RothmanBR+A Consulting Engineers
Cristian Suvagau, Ph.D., P.Eng., LC, CEM, MCIEBC Hydro
Rebecca StuartDistrict Lighting Group
Javier VillaseñorJVS Business Consultant & Counselor