DOI: 10.1177/01455613211001958
Significance StatementNodular fasciitis is a rare, benign lesion characterized by the pseudosarcomatous proliferation of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts. Accurate diagnosis presents a unique challenge for otolaryngologists, as nodular fasciitis frequently mimics malignancy clinically; however, it can be distinguished from malignancy by subtle findings on pathology. A diagnosis of nodular fasciitis should be considered for any irregular or rapidly growing lesion of the head and neck area, as accurate diagnosis is particularly important to avoid overtreatment in cosmetically sensitive regions.
DOI: 10.1177/01455613211001132
AbstractThis retrospective evaluation of surgical outcomes for hyomandibular suspension when performed with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Thirty-nine patients with moderate-to-severe OSA were treated with hyoid myotomy and suspension and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. Patients underwent hyoid advancement and suspension to the mandible (Encore System) with either staged or concurrent UPPP. The primary outcome was a successful surgical result, defined as an apnea hypopnea index (AHI) lower than 20, and a 50% or greater decline in AHI on postoperative polysomnography. Successful surgical results were achieved in 30 (76.9%) out of 39 patients. The mean preoperative AHI improved 69.2% from 49.9 ± 25.6 to 15.4 ± 14.9 (P < .001) postoperatively. All patients reported clinical improvement of symptoms. There were 4 wound complications and one infection requiring removal of hardware. For patients with multilevel obstructive sleep apnea, hyoid advancement and suspension to the mandible appears efficacious when performed in conjunction with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.
DOI: 10.1177/01455613211000832
AbstractObjectives: To analyze the impact of steroids on postoperative tonsillectomy recovery and implement findings for improvement in postoperative management. Methods: Institutional review board approved prospective study with retrospective analysis of private practice setting tonsillectomy patients (November 2015 to January 2017). A questionnaire was provided postoperatively to patients undergoing tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy. The study population was separated into 2 groups: patients who received steroids (3 days of either dexamethasone or prednisolone), postoperative steroid (POS), versus patients who did not receive steroids (PONS). Results: The questionnaire had a return rate of 27.3% (254/931). Nine of the 254 responses were disqualified for lack of information; therefore, the total number of responses was 245. Of these, 115 were POS and 130 were PONS. The groups were similar in mean age (POS: 13.2 ± 10.4 years, PONS: 14.7 ± 12.1 years, P = .32) and sex (POS: Male 40.0%, PONS: Male 40.0%, P = .97). There was an overall decrease of pain and nausea/vomiting (N/V) in the steroid group (P = .0007). There was reduction in pain (P < .05) from postoperative day (POD) 2, 3, 4, and 6 in the POS group. Otherwise, there was no significant reduction in pain from POD 7 to 14, day-by-day rate of N/V, bleeding, or rate of emergency department (ED) or clinic visit (P >.05). Conclusion: Postoperative steroid reduced overall pain and N/V, as well as daily pain on POD 2, 3, 4, and 6. Pain from POD 7 to 14, rate of ED or clinic visit, or daily N/V and bleeding rate were not significantly different between cohorts.
DOI: 10.1177/01455613211006010
AbstractThe treatment of complete subglottic stenosis (SGS) remains a challenge due to anatomic and technological limitations. Placement of the Montgomery T-tube is an effective treatment option. For complete SGS patient combined with lower trachea collapse, the ventilation management during the T-tube insertion process is more complicated. Here, we report a case with complete SGS combined with severe lower trachea collapse, which was successfully managed with T-tube insertion under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
DOI: 10.1177/01455613211001962
AbstractHearing loss in older people can cause communication impairments, decreased quality of life, social isolation, depression, and dementia. Cochlear implant surgery is an effective treatment for older patients with hearing loss who cannot achieve satisfactory audiologic outcomes with hearing aids. However, older people have an increased risk of heart disease and often take medications that affect heart rhythm. Herein, we report a case of an 80-year-old woman who underwent cardioversion at 50J after cochlear implant surgery. Electrical impedance before and after cardioversion showed only minor changes without abnormality, and the cochlear implant functioned well. We believe that the electronic circuits of the cochlear implant may have been relatively tolerant to the electrical shock from the external defibrillator. Typically, cardioversion should be avoided in cochlear implant recipients because it may damage the implant. If cardioversion cannot be avoided, we strongly recommend starting cardioversion at the lowest energy level (50 J) and removing the sound processor of the implant during the procedure.
DOI: 10.1177/01455613211006002
Significance StatementSalivary Bypass Tube is an important tool to prevent or treat some complications of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal surgery and its placement may prove difficult. In this article, we propose a new technique to simplify its management by using an Oral/Nasal Tracheal Tube Cuffed-Reinforced that allowed us to reduce operating times, complications related to prolonged general anesthesia and the traumas on the tissues incurred during the forced positioning of the device with standard techniques.
DOI: 10.1177/0145561321996837
AbstractCochlear implants improve the quality of life of patients with bilateral severe sensorineural hearing loss. Normally, patients with cochlear implants can continue to use the devices for years without any complications. However, equipment failure or infection at the implant site could develop in some patients, and this might often necessitate implant replacement. Although cochlear implant replacement surgery itself is not a major risk in most cases, extensive tissue resection will be required in cases involving infection, and the insertion site of the temporal bone implant will need to be changed. We encountered a case of skin necrosis at the temporal bone implant site caused by constant external irritation from the temple of an eyeglass frame. The patient underwent cochlear implant replacement surgery involving full-thickness skin grafting from the abdomen. Thereafter, the patient’s condition improved. Full-thickness skin grafting can be useful in cases of extensive skin defects encountered during cochlear implant replacement.
DOI: 10.1177/0145561321993936
AbstractBackground: Computed tomography (CT) is the preferred noninvasive method for the evaluation of osteitis in chronic sinusitis. Some scholars believe that the bone changes associated with chronic sinusitis always show high attenuation (high density) and are positively correlated with the severity of the disease. However, sinus bone remodeling is a complex process that may cause high or low attenuation. There have been few reports on the spread of osteitis. Therefore, additional research on sinus CT is necessary. Objective: To observe bony changes in chronic maxillary sinusitis (CMS) by CT and reveal the mechanism. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in 45 patients with unilateral CMS with bony changes in the sinus walls. The patients’ clinical data and CT results were analyzed and compared between the affected and normal sides. We propose the location, involvement, attenuation, and thickness method to evaluate CMS with osteitis. Results: Of the 45 patients, 40 (88.9%), 2, 12, and 7 had posterior external, medial, anterior, and superior lesions, respectively. The nasal region, sphenoid bone, palatine bone, and zygomatic arch were involved in 3, 12, 8, and 18 (40%) patients, respectively. Computed tomography indicated high attenuation in 30 (75.0%) and low attenuation in 10 (25.0%) patients; 6 (15.0%) showed new bone marrow cavities. The bone thickness was significantly different between the affected and normal sides in 40 patients (P < .001), including members of both the high- and low-attenuation groups (high-attenuation group: P < .001; lowattenuation group: P < .01). However, there was no significant difference in the thickness of the affected side between the high- and low-attenuation groups (P > .05). Conclusions: Chronic rhinosinusitis with bony changes may occur in the maxillary sinus walls and spread to adjacent bones. Both increased and decreased attenuation may occur in these circumstances. Analyzing the CT features of bone changes in unilateral CMS can improve the accuracy of disease diagnosis.
DOI: 10.1177/0145561321993599
AbstractHodgkin lymphoma (HL) is an uncommon B-cell malignant disease. It usually presents with mediastinal and/or laterocervical lymph node localization, while primary extranodal HL is a rare entity giving rise to diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. It rarely presents as just extranodal localization, so its presence within the maxillary sinus without any lymphadenopathy is exceptional. Given the rarity of this localization, there is no standard treatment for maxillary sinus HL. We present a case of a patient with extranodal HL of the right maxillary sinus treated with primary surgery followed by adjuvant sequential chemoradiation therapy.
DOI: 10.1177/01455613211003837
Significance StatementOur case demonstrates the rare presentation of sinonasal sarcoidosis causing severe nasal obstruction. While the patient had a remote history of pulmonary sarcoidosis, she was in remission and had no prior history of sinonasal involvement. Sarcoidosis should be considered in a patient with nasal obstruction especially when there is a history of systemic sarcoid disease.
DOI: 10.1177/01455613211000804
AbstractThe larynx is an uncommon location for live foreign bodies. The leech can reach the glottis during consumption of contaminated water but is usually expelled by an effective cough reflex. Patients present with hoarseness and dysphagia and occasionally with dyspnea or hemoptysis. Endoscopically, a mobile mass is usually noted in the supraglottic area. We present a rare case of a laryngeal leech in a 62- year-old-male farmer who lives in a rural area. The leech was removed successfully with direct laryngoscopy under general anesthesia.
DOI: 10.1177/01455613231167634