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The severity of CKD is classified in stages 1-5 and end stage renal disease. Documentation should include the appropriate stage. Unstaged CKD is classified to unspecified chronic kidney disease.
Chronic kidney disease may be caused by another condition. When known, the causal relationship between the two conditions should be confirmed in the documentation. For example, documentation of hypertensive CKD or diabetes with CKD will establish the link.
Diagnostic statement: dialysis patient with hypertensive heart disease, CKD due to HTN/Stage 5, chronic systolic heart failure
ICD-10 codes
*The sole purpose of the examples is to demonstrate the application of coding guidelines discussed in the materials. Examples do not represent complete documentation of a condition, nor provide any clinical advice. Each patient and medical record is unique, and assignment of codes depends solely on the distinct documentation within an individual record.
Note: Kidney damage referenced in Stage 1 and Stage 2 corresponds to functional assessment in the form of a urine albumin and sediment assessment or through a renal imaging study to document reduced kidney volume, reduction in cortical thickness and cysts. For Stage 3 and beyond, a functional assessment (i.e., urine albumin, a sediment and/or renal imaging study) is not required.
If known, documentation should reflect association or link to other conditions. The provider must maintain a separate code assignment that aligns with the five stages of CKD and ESRD. It is important to maintain an additional code assignment to identify dialysis status for ESRD.
Here are two examples:
Diagnostic statement: dialysis patient with hypertensive heart disease, CKD due to HTN/Stage 5, heart failure CHF
I13.2 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and stage 5 CKD or ESRD.
N18.6 ESRD or chronic kidney disease, stage 5 requiring dialysis
I50.9 Heart failure, unspecified (CHF NOS)
Z99.2 Dependence on renal dialysis
Providers must confirm the accuracy of their diagnoses to ensure that diagnosis and coding practices comply with ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting and all applicable legal requirements. Failure to address diagnosis inaccuracies can result in administrative sanctions and potential financial penalties. Accurate coding and submission activities allow us to provide the best benefits and resources possible to our customers.
This guide is informational and not meant to replace the clinician’s judgment when caring for the patient.
Content updated April 2023.