(Snow Geese & Ross’ Geese)
25 daily, no possession limit
Oct. 22-Feb. 22
Feb. 24-April 25
Oct. 1-Jan. 25
Jan. 27-April 25
During the conservation season, recorded or amplified calls or sounds are permitted. Hunters need a Conservation Season permit (also known as a snow goose permit; $1.97 transaction fee), a federal duck stamp, and a Pennsylvania Migratory Game Bird License.
Except for crows, migratory bird hunting is closed on Sundays.
1 daily, 3 possessionFederal duck stamp needed
Oct. 12-Nov. 15
3 daily, 9 possession
STATEWIDEOct. 19-Nov. 29Dec. 16-24
8 daily, 24 possession
STATEWIDESept. 2-Nov. 21
15 daily, 45 possession
STATEWIDESept. 2-Nov. 29Dec. 21-Jan. 4
3 daily, 9 possessionBag limit singly or combined
STATEWIDESept. 2-Nov. 21Clapper and King Rail hunting is closed statewide.
Mute swans are non-native and not protected under state or federal law. Hunters may harvest mute swans and they do not count as part of the daily bag. Taking mute swans on private property requires landowner permission. Mute swans have an orange bill with a black fleshy knob on top at the feather line. Mute swans do not feed in fields and are encountered only in wetlands. Native tundra and trumpeter swans are protected. They have a black bill and commonly are found in fields and wetlands. Sandhill cranes are likely to be present in certain areas and are protected.