Take advantage of the indoor and outdoor spaces in the left field corner for a one-of-a-kind ballpark experience any time during the season. The indoor lounge space has an incredible view of the game, seating for your group, climate control, restrooms, food service and access to a full bar. This package also includes outdoor seats near the home bullpen for each guest. Snacks are served when gates open and the all-you-can-eat buffet starts at game time. Food service ends at the end of the 5th inning. Choose from one of two great party packages:
Now is a great time to gather some friends, family, colleagues or potential clients and bring them to the newest spot in the ballpark!
To inquire about reserving a table in the Betfred Sports Left Field Lounge, please contact Brent Conkel: 515-280-2624 | picnics@iowacubs.com
Located at the top of the Left Field Picnic Area, the Budweiser Club is a great way to enjoy Iowa Cubs baseball. Enjoy exclusive access to a table for 4, with all-you-can-eat food and drink included. Tickets must be purchased in sets of 4.
Budweiser Club Menu:
• Hot Dogs
• Brats
• Chicken Fingers
• Nachos
• Popcorn
• Chips and Ranch Dip
• Peanuts
• Water
• Can Soda
• Keg Beer (Bud or Bud Light)
To inquire about reserving a table in the Budweiser Club please contact Brent Conkel: 515-280-2625 | brentc@iowacubs.com
Whether you’re hosting a birthday party, planning an anniversary party, or celebrating a special occasion, do so in the BMW of Des Moines Skybox Suites while you enjoy the fun and excitement of professional baseball in Des Moines from any angle! Available behind home plate and along the first base side watch the Iowa Cubs as you enjoy delicious food options and first class service.
What's Included:
• A member of our wait staff assigned to your suite.
• Indoor and outdoor seating options.
• Air conditioning
• Reserved parking passes
• A great view of all the action in Principal Park!