The top priority for the Iowa Cubs staff is to provide an experience that is clean, safe and fun for all guests at Principal Park. We make this commitment not only for Triple-A baseball games, but also for events hosted by our staff at Principal Park.
Our staff will intervene to support an environment where guests can enjoy the Principal Park experience free of unacceptable behavior, including the following:
· Any disruption of the game or event, including throwing of objects, trespassing on the field or other restricted areas, or interfering with baseballs in play;
· Use of devices that produce light or sounds that could be dangerous, disruptive or distracting to the players on the field or other fans in the stands;
· Fighting or aggressive physical behavior in the stadium;
· Foul/abusive language or obscene gestures directed at players, coaches, umpires, other guests or stadium employees;
· Disparaging remarks or gestures related to another person’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation or national origin;
· Intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption;
· Underage consumption of alcohol;
· Any use of tobacco products – including vaping or electronic cigarettes;
· Misusing tickets, passes or credentials;
· Bringing prohibited items into the ballpark.
Principal Park has a clear bag policy. Any personal items brought into the stadium must be in a clear bag that measures 12†x 12†x 6†or smaller. The only exceptions are for diaper bags when small children are present or a bag containing necessary medical equipment (over the counter medication, general first aid items, etc. are available at our First Aid Station and don’t meet the “medical bag†requirement). Wallets or a small clutch measuring 4†x 6†or smaller are also allowed. All fans are required to enter through a metal detector and all personal items are subject to search by stadium personnel.
· Outside food or drink
· Beach balls and other inflatables
· Glass bottles
· Fireworks
· Firearms or other weapons (e.g. knives)
· Laser devices and pointers
· Skateboards and rollerblades
· Toy guns and knives (including water guns)
· Sticks and clubs
· Unmanned aerial vehicles
· Aerosol cans
Any guest not adhering to the above code of conduct, or behaving in any other unruly behavior, will be removed from the ballpark and could be banned from future games. The Iowa Cubs staff and our security partners, including members of the Des Moines Police Department, reserve the right to determine what unruly or unacceptable behavior is.
If anyone is interfering with your enjoyment of our facility, please contact the nearest Iowa Cubs staff member or event staff for assistance. You can also report your issue at our Fan Services Center or call the front desk at (515) 243-6111.